Chapter 8

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No, no, no, no, no, no.

Shit. I did not just kiss my brother's best friends. I did not just kiss the hottest guy at school. I did not just kiss the biggest player known to man. I did not just kiss Zac Sanders.

No, I Didn't kiss him or anyone.

He kissed me.

Zac Sanders, kissed me, Sophie Danvers. What is the world coming to? Has all hell broken lose?! This can't be happpening. What the hell did that mean? He can't like me, he doesn't like me. We've hated each other for years.

There's a thin line between love and hate. My voice inside my mine whispered. Shut up! I mentally yelled back. No, ok, this whole...thing...was just a misunderstanding. Caught up in the moment. I told myself satisfied with my conclusion even though I was still pacing my room anxiously whilst chewing the end of my hair, stupid habit.

How's he going to react when I next see him? Will he want to talk about it? Will he forget about it? Damn it! I groaned and fell face first onto my bed. It was going to be a long three weeks.

I screamed into my pillow and made up my mind. Just act like nothing happened. Because it was nothing. I reached for my phone attempting to take my mind of the situation. I had three messages.

I miss you! School sucks without you. Andy and Wilson are so annoying without you putting them in their place. :( Come back? Life sucks. Well, I hope your having fun. CALL ME! WE HAVE TO STAY IN CONTACT! I will not let you be one of those friends who drift away. I WILL NOT! Call me...or I'll shave your head. Love you :) xxxxx

I laughed as I finished Kerri's message. Shave my head? That was a new one. I rolled my eyes and decided to call her later so I could tell her about the kiss between Zac and I because, well, she's in Spain and it'd be nice to talk about it with someone who won't have the chance to blurt it out at school. Next message.

What do I need to pack? Swin suit? Glasses? Books? Clothes? HELP!

I didn't even need to check the number to see who that one was off. Tina could be so clueless at times like these.

Remember when you stay over at mine? Pack that but much more. Toothbrush, hairbrush, make-up, underwear and clothes. Anything else you can borrow.

I replied and opened the last one.

All packed :) See you tomorrow.

Damn it. I forgot Kat and Kerri wont be here until tomorrow. Oh, this is going to be awkward. I guess I'm locking myself in the room for the rest of the day.


3pm. I've been in my room for five hours. Five long, boring hours. After stalking people on Facebook, reading a book, watching a film, I was sat on my bed with nothing to do. It was sunny outside aswel.

Fuck it. I shouldn't hide away, I can live my life. Changing into some denim shorts and a black three quarter top saying Love across the front in white letters. I loved wearing baggy three-quater tops. I had my belly pierced last year and loved showing it off.

Smiling I opened my door and skipped down the stairs. Thanks to the open plan of my house, coming down the stairs you can see straight into the living room. Matt turned his head from the video game, smiled and then carried on playing.

I walked past them and into the music room. Music was a way I could let my emotions out and afterwards I'd feel 95% better. My hand ran over the keys of the piano before I sat down. As soon as my fingers found the right key they started playing and I felt myself smile.

My Brother's Best FriendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora