Chapter 17

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[[Twisted Truth]]

I stood there frozen to ground unable to move or speak. I swallowed nervously as I knew this couldn't be good no matter how innocent I was in this. Cause I was innocent, Olly kissed me making sure I couldn't push him away from me. And from the angle they're stood at, it probably didn't look that way to them.

Kat looked confused and disappointed. I would say I couldn't blame her if I'd done it willingly but I hadn't and I wish she'd see it my way when I explain things to her.

Tina, uh, Tina looked heart broken and betrayed to sum it up. I knew she liked Olly a whole lot more then she wished and here she thinks that I'd just been kissing him knowing that information. God, I would have never have done that to her...her or Kat.

Then there was Zac. He stood tense and I could see the muscel jump in his jaw. I could tell that he was trying hard not go and beat up Olly but also he was trying to mask his emotions. His eyes gave him away, they held a whole lot of hurt and pain that I felt a lump rise in throat and my sight blurred slightly.

This is what he was afraid off. Opening up to someone and then getting hurt. It killed me to know that that person was me but if I could just explain things to him maybe he might see my side of things, Tina too.

Lastly, there was the devil herself. Olivia. She stood slightly behind the others and gave me a smug smile. Her one arm under her chest while her elbow leaned on her arm. Her hand turned plam up as she shrugged clearly enjoying the moment.

I couldn't even glare at her. I was just too scared that she was about to twist my words so my friends resented against me. Considering they're my best friends they should hear me out. Zac might take a little work but if he see's the others understanding then maybe he will too.

Wishful thinking.

"Sophie," Olivia sighed stepping forward. Here comes the act. "I never would have taken you the kind of girl to cheat or to betray your friends?"

"Cheat?" Kat asked raising an eyebrow.

"You mean, she didn't tell you? Her best friend?" Olivia looked looked shock as she turned back to face Kat. This girl deserved a bloody oscar award.

"Tell us what?" I flinched at the unusual harshness of Tina's voice.

"She's been dating Zac for the past month." Olivia said confused. I gritted my teeth. Who knew Olivia could really be a cold hearted bitch.

"You've been lying to us?" Kat asked taken back a bit.

"Doesn't surprise me." Tina said with anger lacing her words. Tina was never one to get angry, I'd never seen this side of her before and I was scared that I had been the reason for it.

"It's not the only thing she's been lying about lately though, right Sophie?" I turned my gaze to her's wondering what she was up to now. She pulled a small device from her pocket and clicked a button.

"Damn bitch going after the guy I liked. She was meant to be one of my good friends aswel. I've tried pretending to be happy for her and giving her the go sign and she didn't think twice about it. There goes that friendship."

She clicked the button again pausing it. I stared shock for a moment when my voice came out, Tina looked at be bewildered.

"You gave me the green the light. I asked you plenty of times." Tina said shaking her head at me looking close to tears.

"Oh there's more." Olivia smiled and clicked the small device again.

"I only started dating him because I was using him." Oh no. "He's jerk that needs teaching a lesson so I'll make him fall in love with me before breaking his heart." Pause. "I got Kat and Matt together but I'm not sure whether it was a good idea or not. She'll ditch me, I just know it."

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