1: La La Land- Demi Lovato

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I'm simply minding my own business walking to period one English when a firm hand reaches for my shoulder.

"Jesus Christine, you scared me!" I say as I turn to find a friendly face. I've known her since year four, we did everything together. Stuck to each other like glue. I sometimes felt like I knew her better than I knew myself. Only now it's different, I mean, we are still friends but she's the kind that gets boy's phone numbers and a second date.

I stick with Christine though. I may not agree with all her decisions including ignoring me the majority of the week, but I know how hard it can be for her. She has a few family issues currently, so I try and be as supportive as I can.

"Sorry," she apologised for the scare.

I look at her as if she was going to say something else but she didn't. Which in itself was telling me something. Many people didn't understand her language but the slight twitch in her eye meant she was glad to see me, something was wrong.

She gave me a small smile as we walked side by side into class.

"Lady's take a seat," Mrs Rinne states, pointing to the table right in front of her desk. Great, just what I need, another teacher to make me move tables because I 'wasn't concentrating'.

We both sit down and Miss stops talking while staring at us like I'm suppose to read her mind and guess what I've done wrong.

"Miss Batt," she starts. "Where is your book?"

I simply reply "at home," no point in lying. I can feel the stare of all my classmates behind me.

"And what is it doing at home and not here?" She asks adding a little sass to it. I was so over this class, I'm probably one of her only students who didn't play games on their computer and actually does homework.

"It's having a lot more fun than I am, not being in this class," My steady reply made the class laugh and Mrs Rinne go red with anger.

"To the office... now," her last word was louder. "And don't bother coming back," her tone was deep.

"Glad to," I got up and made my way to the door. I turned on my heel and saw a smile on everyone's faces. "Au revoir, my fellow classmates," I wave an invisible hat and place it on my head with a nod before I exit the room.

But everything's the same
In the la-la land machine - Demi Lovato 

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