5: Blindsided- Bon Iver

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With Christopher's party just around the corner. I spent all of Friday after school, shopping and picking out an outfit. Christine came with me. We had gone shopping in so long, it was nice.

You never know who's going to show up to these things but considering it was Chris's party... It was a pretty good chance Chris would be there.

After I picked out my outfit, I went back home and read, and played games on my phone mostly.

Before I knew it, it was Saturday and the party starts around 3 pm so I have all day to kill. But before then... I've got work.

The restaurant I work at has these massive glass panels which overlook outside and the rain starts appearing. I can see a few black clouds coming this way but I'm not worried.

My black apron sits just above my hips, it has a small animated palm tree on it. All staff need to wear the apron and the white t-shirt with 'The Island' written on it.

We get a lot of customers, always the after school crowd. Nearly all of them come here, but on the weekends... never.

So I basically stand behind a cashier all shift, but Mugs (my boss) keeps me around in case anyone stops by.

I head to the kitchen.

"I'm going outside, cover for me if anyone comes. But I doubt anyone will."

His back turned away from me, he sighs. I've been doing nothing all day, "Fine, go. But put a scarf on, its cold outside." He replies.

"You're kidding right. Can you see what I'm wearing?" He turns around and sees my big fluffy coat.

"Oh," he laughs. "You're fine." Making me leave with a smile.

The cold air hits my face the second I open the door and the little bell rings. The street are empty. Starting to form a small layer of snow. It's not currently snowing but it has been since I got here. I only left the house about three hours ago.

That's the thing about snow. It only takes 20 minutes and strong winds for a whole street to pile up with snow.

Rowan Avenue is a thick strip of road that runs from the Highway, all the way down the edge of Kingfisher Forest. This is the street that all the kids ride their bikes and scooters on and where I first fell off my rollerblades.

I take a long stroll down the road, with the heavy winds and a storm approaching, I doubt many people would be driving or riding around here.

Now that I look around, it doesn't look like anyone's even outside.

I hope the party won't be called off.

I crouch like a crow
Contrasting the snow -Bon Iver

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