Chapter 1 - Monsters

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Mitchell's Point of View


 It’s beautiful day in Shea Heights. The sun is glistening in the beautiful blue sky, the birds are chirping in a language I don’t understand, and there is a slight breeze blowing through the trees. I have the perfect view of the two most beautiful and important people in my life, my wife and son. The two prance around the back-yard, my wife chasing my two-year old son Austin. I turn my attention back to my gun. I sit polishing my gun, preparing it for this weekend’s hunting trip. A loud banging at the door interrupts me.

I place my gun down on the table and head towards the front door, wiping my hands on the wet towel lying on the kitchen counter. Upon reaching the door I turn the knob, opening it wide enough for me to see out. My best friend, Madison Mercer stands on the other side. Smiling, I open the door gesturing for her to enter. She steps in and we make our way to the living room and sit down on the couch.

 ‘’Mitchell, you should get a babysitter. Call Terry, Katelyn, Wes, Lindsey, and Jacob.  We should all go to the bar, have a bit of a...a celebration. Your birthday is tomorrow.’’ She starts upon sitting.

I decline the offer. ‘’I planned to spend the night with Maria and Austin.’’ I say.

We sit talking and joking for the next hour. At one point Maria brought Austin in for a nap.

“I really must go.” Madison says, standing. I walk her to the door when screaming causes us both to freeze. Madison opens the door, trying not to make any noise. Madison silently gasps. My eyes widen at the scene in front of us. Our neighbors are running around frantically, screaming while being chased by other neighbours covered in blood with skin various shades of grey.

We watch silently as they grabbed each other one by one, chomping their teeth into flesh then dropping them to the ground, letting them die. I grab the door knob, silently closing and locking it.

‘’Close all the blinds, lock the doors, and stay quiet.’’ I whisper. I know what those monsters are; I used to love them, when I was a kid.

“What’s wrong hun?” Maria asks, walking up behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

“Something terrible.” I reply. “Go and get Austin, pack everything.” I remember my gun on the kitchen table and run to grab it, putting it in my pocket.

A knock at the back door startles me. I approach the door as the knocking gets repetitively louder and faster. I throw open the door. Terry and his wife Lindsey rush in carrying backpacks full of things. I close the door, locking it. My wife emerges from the hallway carrying my son and a duffle bag full of items. Madison taps me on the shoulder.

“I grabbed some things we can use as weapons, baseball bats, kitchen knives, anything that you can swing.” She explains, holding up a large bag. I nod.

 ‘’How did you know to come here?’’ I ask Terry curiously as we headed towards the living room.

‘’Madison called me.’’ We head to the garage, everyone trailing me. My forth wheel is parked just outside the garage door. We all rush in and close the door. As soon as it hits the hinges it flings open again revealing Katelyn, her husband Wes, and our good friend Jacob.

 I wave them into the room and slam the door. I open the garage door and run out, backing the motor home in. I close the door and we get to work.

We board up the windows and re-enforce the doors.  Maria locks Austin’s car seat into passenger side. We place our supplies in the beds and everybody sits while Madison distributes weapons. I rush to the driver seat and buckle myself in. I re-open the garage door.

“Everybody hold on.” I shout as I start the vehicle and stomp on the gas. The motor home takes off flying. I ram into several people, unsure if they are dead or alive, and not really caring.

We reach the highway and spot a small gas station. I look down at my meter. Almost empty. I decide to quickly pull in. Madison steps out of the R.V. realizing my plan. She pumps the gas and fills up canisters. I realize the urgency of getting food and go inside the small convenience store. I grab all the canned food and bottles of waters I can see and shove them into the tiny store bags. I run out. Madison Is already back in the motor home. I step in, closing the door. I don’t know where were going, but it doesn’t look good. There are flipped cars and dead bodies as far as the eye can see.


EDITED BY: freeasthewolves





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