Ch 4 - Confessions and Conversations

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Nico had practically ran away from me (again) leaving me staring at the doorway he'd disappeared through like an idiot (again). Great. 

I'd said I didn't want to be his bully and he went running for the hills - he'd had a better reaction when I'd laughed at him for being short. I sunk back into the deck chair as I contemplated Nico's reactions. Maybe he was more comfortable with people mocking him than people being nice to him? 

Nico was complicated… maybe he really was a girl? I couldn't seem to figure him out. 

I sighed deeply - the sun was growing hotter on my face, even though it wasn't even seven in the morning. The birds were calling loudly to each other again, just as they had been doing at dawn, their shrill chirps echoing over the shimmering water. I hadn't gotten a minute's sleep last night - my brain just kept going and going, thinking so fast it refused to shut off. And all night long, the one person who persistently invaded my mind was Nico.

It wasn't like I was writing him Shakespearean sonnets or planning out future together or anything like that. But there was something about Nico - something that I just couldn't put my finger on - that had kept me up all night trying to figure him out…

The sun was so warm on my face, my arms, my whole body… even the hard wood of the chair seemed comfortable now…


My eyes flew open - only to be blinded by the bright sunlight streaming in my face. 'Ow!' I flinched, my hand flying up in front of my face to block out the painful sun. I suddenly understood why Nico had left when he did.

I blinked the sun-spots from my eyes I glanced up at Sophie, who had a lopsided smile pasted on her face. 'Slept well?' she asked wryly.

I laughed, trying not to sound too awkward. 'Yeah, I did. I came out here this morning and must've fell back to sleep…'

'Come inside - I've just made us breakfast,' she grinned, beckoning me to come follow her back into the house. I stood, my head spinning from lack of sleep, and stumbled after her. The sudden darkness in the house was a shock - I groaned as the walls did 360s around me, and managed to trip over to the couch so I could sit down. 

Sophie bent over me, a concerned look on all her three faces as she multiplied and shifted around. 'Whoa…' I moaned, vaguely wondering if I was tripping or something. I clutched my head in both my hands, and put my forehead to me knees. 

'Are you okay?' Sophie's voice seemed a long way off. 

I tried to nod. 'Just… dizzy…' I mumbled.

I felt Sophie's hand gently rub my back. 'You're looking a bit sick, Christian… how about we get you back into bed?'

I think I nodded - at least, I tried to, but my head felt like it was going in completely different directions. I didn't think I could stand, but I managed to shakily get to my feet and stumble down the hallway without tripping over too many things. Sophie ushered me gently into the guest room I was staying in, and into my bed. Once the sheets had been pulled over me, she pulled down the blinds and curtains and the room plunged into darkness.


I woke up to a soft knock on the door of my room. I moaned and rolled over, slowly rubbing my eyes and blinking them open. It was dark in the room, but the afternoon sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains, making bright, orange slashes across the walls. 

'Come in,' I mumbled, just loud enough to be heard through a door. I assumed it would be Sophie, coming to check up on me or something.

But instead, Nico poked his head through the door. His scruffy, black hair was damp, and sticking up in all angles like he'd just gotten out of the shower. 'Hi… I hope I didn't wake you up too soon?'

Fixing Nico [boyxboy / yaoi]Where stories live. Discover now