Ch 8 - How everything went Right... then Wrong again

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Nico's soft breaths tickled the skin of my neck as I carried his tiny, wiry body in my arms - his eyes were closed, his pink lips slightly parted and his skin was as perfectly white as marble; he almost didn't look real, like a sleeping angel. An angel dressed in black.

It was almost scary how light he was to carry. His delicate fingers were curled around my white shirt as he clung to the fabric in his sleep - his fingers wrinkled the material, but I couldn't have cared less. 

Shit man... I'm totally whipped, I mused wryly, staring down at his tiny body curled in my arms. My stomach clenched in a strange mixture of guilt and exhilaration - I stilled remembered that girl's lips on mine, and I wanted to tell Nico, so badly, that during every second of our kiss I found myself wishing that her lips were his.

But... I bit my lip, still gazing down at Nico, and I remembered his face, his eyes, when he saw me burst into that guy's room in an attempt to beg for him back. He looked... heartbroken. What have I done? I groaned inwardly - his eyes had been bright with the pain he'd been trying to suppress. His knuckles clenched so hard they were white... the burgundy smudges on his palms still served as a reminder of how hard his hands had been clamped.

Have I messed everything up? Can I fix this?

Can I fix him?

I'd already made promises that I'd fix Nico. And whatever I did... I would make sure they were not empty promises. 

Sighing deeply, I kept walking - it was about forty minutes on foot from where the party was to Nico's house, and I knew the general direction... hopefully I wouldn't get too lost. Direction and navigation wasn't exactly my forte...

Thankfully, Nico's house was off the main road going out of Coffs that had nice, paved walking paths next to the metal barriers that served as a separation between the road and the pedestrians. Nico weighed next to nothing in my arms. His sweet breath tickled my neck, sending shivers and goosebumps all through my body.

I love you, Nico... The words echoed through my mind, bouncing around in my shell-shocked body. I'd told Nico I loved him - in all the frantic desperation, the pleading, as I'd begged for him to come back, I'd said I loved him.


Did I love Nico?

I paused, staring down at his tiny figure in my arms.

Yes. Yes, I loved him. It defied all reason and logic - after all, I'd known this kid a matter of days. I had no idea what he'd been through, what had made him so broken and sad, what had made him believe that he was so beyond repair. 

And I had no idea what made me think I could be the one who fixed Nico. Was it just wishful thinking? I didn't even know where to start. 

I groaned out loud - What have I done?

Suddenly, Nico squirmed from beneath me - his eyes fluttered, and finally opened - those big, grey globed shifted around until his gaze rested on mine, and our eyes met. For the first time, he didn't blush and look away. He just kept staring at me absently, almost as if he thought he was dreaming.

'Nico?' I breathed when he didn't say anything.

'Yeah?' he murmured back, his gaze still fixed on mine. 

'I...' I wanted to say something to him, but I wasn't quite sure what exactly. 'I... I'm sorry.' Well, that's a start. 

Nico nodded slowly, his gaze leaving mine as he looked around him - his body jumped in my arms and he glared down at the pavement moving below us, up to me, then around to my arms encasing him. 'Wh - you're carrying me?!' he cried, struggling out of my grasp. 'Put - me - down!' he demanded, kicking his way out of my grasp.

Fixing Nico [boyxboy / yaoi]Where stories live. Discover now