Chapter 14 •Needed Break•

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Chapter 14 •Needed Break•

The next two weeks were a drag. I've never been so stressed in my entire life. Receiving more anonymous letters or poems I've been paranoid.

When I'm in public alone I look over my shoulder practically every five minutes because of the feeling of being watched. It's driving me crazy.

Zayvion forbid me from doing anything that involves the making of my business. 'They can't ruin what doesn't exist' is what he told me.

Last night I cried myself to sleep. For the last six years of my life I had control over everything. Whatever I wanted I'd get it done. Now, I can't even build my own business or even walk around without feeling like I'm being followed. I lost whatever control I had over my life.

I lay here in bed with red, puffy eyes and a stuffy nose. Crying all night really took a toll on me. I didn't even have the energy to get out of bed nor do I want to.

What's the purpose of getting out of bed if I can't do anything? I decided to sulk all day. I've been trying to stay strong for the last two weeks but now it's become unbearable.

Two more days passed by, still sulking. Audrey occasionally came to check up on me and made sure I ate. Well, she basically shoved whatever she made me down my throat whenever I protested.

Getting out of bed I headed to the bathroom. After doing my morning routine I crawled back into bed. Or at least I tried to. As soon as my knee touched the mattress my bedroom door flung open.

Luke stood there under the frame filling up the entire space. He wore a red v-neck T-shirt with a pair of dark wash jeans. He walked to my closet without a word as I watched him in confusion. He pulled out a tank top and a pair of jeans that looked similar to his.

Luke then threw them at me, "Get dressed", he commanded.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it, I'll be back in five minutes. Be done by that time", with that he sauntered out of my room.

Reluctantly, I changed into the outfit. I then put on my favorite Nike sneakers. Luke came back to my room.

"Let's go."

"Will you at least tell me where we're going?", I asked as I walked towards him. By the front door, I saw a duffle bags. He picked it up and hiked it over his shoulder.

Holding the door open for me to pass signaled with his hand for me to exit. I walked out of the door with Luke trailing behind of me.

He held my hand all the way to the entrance of the building and led me to a range rover parked at the front.

He opened the passenger door and I slid in. Throwing the duffle bag in the back he got in the driver's seat.
Taking my face between his hands he pressed his lips to mine. Our tongues moved against each other in sync. Luke pulled away leaving me breathless.

"I know the pass two weeks have been hard for you. It's my job to make it better", he whispered before pecking my lips one last time and backing away to put on hit seat belt.

We've been driving for about three hours now. Luke refuse to tell me where he's taking me. We've driven away from the city and we're now surrounded by trees.

Half an hour later Luke stopped at what looked like a cabin. Scratch that, a luxury cabin. It screamed wealth. Luke got out of the vehicle and so did I.

Entering the cabin I was not disappointed the interior looked as luxurious as the exterior. Luke dropped the duffle bags on the floor in the front room.

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