Author's Preface

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Thank you for choosing to read Crow and Clover!

     Seeing you here is rather humbling so I thought that I would just say a few things before you got started. First thing is first.


     I just want my readers to be aware that I truly do not spare any details on most subjects, therefore, be prepared for graphic details. With this story, Crow and Clover, I will admit that the plot is entirely unplanned but it will also be my first work so please bear with me through the process; especially when I end up posting first draft versions. However, I will promise horror, gore, and even macabre depictions. Some sexual scenes might also occur but that is up in the air as I am not sure where the story will go. I am a pantser, by every sense, meaning it is impossible for me to plan something and then write it. I must write it as I go by the seat of my pants!

     I just love surprises~

     So, what I write will have been done on the spot. Raw. Meaning that when I post, it won't always be perfect.

     The second thing I wanted to touch base on was critiquing and the like. If you should so desire to leave a comment, be it short or lengthy, with an opinion, suggestion, or reply to content, then please do so! Just be respectful about it. I am always very open to receiving critiques as I find it very handy in my weekly meetings with local writers here at home. I will always strive to keep an open mind.

     The third thing I wanted to touch base on were my posting intervals. I have various writing projects currently ongoing and a job to juggle so please be patient if I don't always post every week like I say I will. For now, I will aim for every Thursday but that might be sporadic until I figure out how long it will take me to write one chapter. After all, this will probably end up being my first complete piece!

     And last but not least, I just wanted to thank you! Thank you for choosing to read Crow and Clover. I hope you enjoy the story enough that you stick with me through the entire process. All your support is appreciated~

Yours truly,

::Alias Penman::

Crow and Clover {On TEMP Hold}Where stories live. Discover now