El Raunchy

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El Raunchy

Between two consenting adults is mutual fear—the fear of not knowing where raw emotions can lead to. And that fear is more intensely felt by those who participate in the throes of a purely-physical relationship.

In the case of Mason, he fears being abandoned. There’s a looming sense of dread somewhere, hovering and telling him that Blake might just be another pretty face with a hot body. And that he’s not companion material.

The hell with having a boyfriend. Mason wants someone who will stay—a partner, and the feeling that that companionship brings.

Blake on the other hand fears losing his independence—that quiet sense of carefree joy that fooling around brings. Not having to mold and fit one’s life around and in the presence of another. To lose oneself in the world of somebody else is Blake’s deepest fear.

However, there’s something magical about physical chemistry that causes things to click, to work. And this is what Blake and Mason will learn the more they spend time together.



“Did we just do what I think we did?”

“If what ya mean is ya gettin’ it up in the âss, then yeah man, I think we done did just that.”

A silence befalls the two as they try to process what had just transpired between them. Neither of them saying anything as Mason continues to shift gears and drive the truck down the path leading to the nearest city, where their first set of deliveries have to be made.

“You uh...” Mason intends to ask, but finds himself starting with a constricted gravelly voice, which he clears with a light cough before continuing to say, “...fool around often? You know...with dudes,” he adds as an afterthought, half-concentrating on driving and half-attentive to what Blake has to say to such a naked question.

Mason knows the query is quite emotionally implicating, but he can’t help himself. He feels somewhat close to Blake. More so now that they shared something physically intimate.

When you’ve made a connection with someone, it’s hard not to want to follow it up with the promise of something more. And even if he doesn’t like to admit just yet, Mason wants to know if there is someone, or anyone in particular he’s in competition with, with the man who has managed to make his blood feel alive once again.

Blake keeps to himself with quiet satisfaction the silent thrill he feels at the obvious undercurrent of jealousy Mason’s words are showing, “If what ya mean is foolin’ round with dudes like you, then yeah man, I think I done did just that.”

“But nothing serious...right?”

“No, man, nah. Nothin’ serious. If what ya askin’ is if I’m sleepin’ with the same man every night then no, man. I don’t think I done did just that.”

Mason smiles. He can live with that. As long as there isn’t anyone in particular Blake likes fooling around with, which isn’t something that is utterly said in outright honesty. But Mason likes hearing that Blake isn’t screwing anyone special at the moment.

Mason’s eyes do a brief sideways glance as he says, “Is it just me, or did your answers repeat with the same words?”

“If what ya mean is déjà freakin’ vu, then yeah mean, I think I done did just that.”

Mason laughs, and not long after Blake sniggers too, both understanding how easy it is for the two of them to feel awkward one moment, then laughing the next.

El Rauncho (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now