Chapter 9.

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My eyes close as I slowly drift off to sleep, only for my eyes to open after a while when I feel someone scoot closer to me and lift up my blanket. I turn my head to look in Zayn's direction, only regretting it since our faces are only inches apart as he is making himself comfortable under my blanket.

"What are you doin-"

"Shh..I'm feeling cold, you can go back to sleep." He says, placing his finger on my lips, completely shutting me down as I stare at him with wide eyes, my lips pressed against his finger which he slowly trails on my lower lip, his vision flicking between my lips and eyes.

"I can't sleep like thi-"

"You're so beautiful, Maire." He softly speaks, still trailing his finger on my lower lip and thumb over my jawline, his eyes locked with mine as I stare at him with confusion, stiffened position, and not even uttering a single word.

"You don't know how badly I have been waiting for a time like this when I can kiss you." His voice is so soft and silky, it's rising the hair behind my neck and making my heart beat faster.

How is this possible that I'm not able to move or say anything to him? The effect he is having on me is surreal.

Slowly and gradually he leans forward, our lips only inches away when..

The headphone from my ear flies out, making me open my eyes and come out of my dreams as I give out a loud groan, turning my whole body to face towards Zayn with furious expressions on my face.

"WHAT?!" I yell at him, throwing my arms in the air. He gets up from the seat, grabbing his bag and he loosely hangs it over his shoulder, staring right back at me with a clenched jaw.

I sure as hell look like an angry Hulk right now.

"You should be thankful that I woke you up rather than leaving you alone in the bus, all by yourself listening to Taylor Swift." He snaps at me and I quietly stare at him for few seconds.

I do not listen to Taylor Swift. Yeah okay, maybe I do but I don't. Yeah fine, I do!

But wait-was I dreaming about Zayn? Am I seriously dreaming about this guy, kissing me?

I'm glad that it wasn't real or... am I? The dreams we get of some person reflects the feeling or desire that has not been successfully resolved in our 'real' life. Unresolved feelings are uncomfortable and we tend to replay them in our unconscious minds. That is what I read somewhere.

No, it's all rubbish. I wouldn't want to kiss him. Why would I?

But-it doesn't even solve the problem that I have been acting really weird lately which is just because of him.

Ignoring my thoughts, I look around the bus, seeing no one in here, as we have already reached our destination and everyone except Zayn and I, are out already.

• • • •

"All of you start building your camps, then we'll rest for a while and proceed further towards the lake side. Got it?!" Our coach yells, clapping his hands to get our attention, but I being I, stay at one place, in between Zayn and Harrison who are awkwardly standing on my either sides, but I focus on the ground below when the coach catches my attention.

"Miss. Stephen!" The coach yells causing me to flinch, as I stutter a 'yes' ignoring the students laughing at me.

"What did I say right now?" He glares at me with his arms crossed over his chest. Did I mention before that his glare is something which can make a person pee in their pants, BUT I don't want to embarrass myself by doing that and giving another reason for my bullies to make fun of me.

"You told us to build camps and rest, then we'll go towards the lake side." I mutter slowly.

"No! That's not what I said!" He yells, making me furrow my eyebrows together.

"That's exactly what you said," Zayn pipes in, making me turn my head to look at him but he continues to stare at the coach with a confident look on his face.

Why is he defending me?

"I said, 'All of you start building your camps, then we'll rest for a while and proceed further towards the lake side. Got it?!'." He repeats his earlier sentence, making all of us stare at him in confusion.

"Yeah, that's what she said." I turn my head to my right to see Harrison speaking this time.

"No! She changed the words." Coach snaps.

How am I still surviving in the world with people like these?

"But it means the same, then what's the problem?" Turning my head to my left, I listen to Zayn speaking.

Why are these two speaking on my behalf? Am I that helpless? I mean, I appreciate them, but it seems like I can't stand for myself at all. But that's what I have been doing since the start, I never stood for myself and that's why the bullies and everyone took adavantage of it and became dominant over me. Basically, I am helpless but I don't want to be this person. I want to be the one to stand for my ownself. To fight the bullies, to have people respect me and not use me.

"Are you two hired by her to speak on her behalf or to be her bodyguards; standing on either sides of her ready to fight everyone who comes near her?" Coach speaks sarcastically, giving out a cold sarcastic chuckle.

I bite my lips, looking at Harrison and Zayn one by one from the corner of my eyes. Both of them look unbothered like whatever the coach said; they didn't take it quite seriously.

"Maybe," both of them speak in unison, shrugging their shoulders. They turn their heads to exchange glances, their eyes stopping at me as I sigh, lowering my head.

I'm mentally facepalming myself right now. What are these two doing?

"Three of you, get going and build the camp! C'mon." Coach again claps his hands, making Harrison and Zayn turn their attention from me to the coach.

When they both were glancing at each other, I noticed something weird. I don't know if it's just me, or maybe they were actually glaring at each other with annoyance and maybe..anger?

But why?

"Um, Maire, who are you building your camp with?" Harrison asks me, as I turn around to look at him, my back facing Zayn now.

"Me," a voice comes from behind, making me turn around my face and give the source a confused look.

"I am? I don't think so." I tell Zayn, who steps forward and stands beside me, facing Harrison, confidently.

"Yes, you are, Maire." Zayn repeats, softly but boldly. "Also, you don't even have any one to do that with-"

"I can build a camp with her." Harrison smiles at me, ignoring Zayn who is glaring at him.

"Too bad, I'm already doing it." Zayn says boldly, turning around to walk away from us, but again turning his head to look at me.

"Are you coming or not Maire?" He asks and I stare at him in confusion, but then I glance at Harrison, then back at Zayn, and repeat the process quitely for a minute at least.


-Who do you think she will go with? Zayn or Harrison?

-Which team are you?
● Mairrison

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