Liquid Glass

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                We have all seen a mirror before. And they all have one thing in common: they have a reflection. A reflection of everything that is put in front of them. But did you know that they are portals to another world? The only thing keeping you from entering this other world is your reflection. If it is gone, you can step through the portal, but you should be careful what you do in the other world, as you have the potential to destroy both of them.

                Once one person has stepped through the portal, all reflections are lost and every mirror in both lands becomes a dangerous portal. However, there is one person who can step through the portals. The Keeper of the Reflections. Most know this person as The Passer, as she can pass through the portals without breaking the seal of the reflections. Neither of the worlds knows exactly who she is, but if she is by any chance caught, then the reflections will have no idea what to do and they will leave. The mirrors will be unattended, and both worlds will be thrown into chaos.


                Snow fell heavily from the sky, quickly blanketing the ground. It thickened every minute as the storm raged on. Wind whistled through the empty streets, whisking up already-fallen snow and blowing it into the nearest object.

                A woman walked out of an apartment building, pulling her hood up over her face. The cold didn’t to bother her much. But then again, nothing really bothered her. She carried a small black bag with her. She clutched it tightly so the wind wouldn’t rip it from her grasp. Even with her hood up, the wind from the storm whipped her hair across her face.

                The woman had heard the people on the news say it was too dangerous to go outside, but she had to get her report finished.

                Some people were claiming that their reflections were fading. They said it was like seeing a ghost. That meant that the reflections were not doing their jobs properly and she had to find out why.

                The woman got a strange feeling in her stomach and turned around to make sure she wasn’t being followed. Neither worlds knew who she was, but she could never be too careful. If she was caught in either world for too long, the whole thing would be thrown out of balance.

                She held tighter onto the bag and kept walking through the snow. It was already up to the middle of her shins. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to get a pair of snowshoes, but it never really crossed her mind. She never thought her job would drag her through the middle of a blizzard.

                “Expect the unexpected,” she said to herself.

                She walked for quite some time. The snow didn’t lighten up, but the wind had died down, leaving the snowflakes to their intended path towards the ground. The sky was much brighter now than it was when she left.

                She looked around and saw her destination, not even a mile away. She smiled in relief and started to walk a little faster. She was walking up the steps of the building when she slipped and fell, hitting her head hard on the concrete stairs. She groaned and rolled over, only to see a group of people crowded around her.

                All of them were clad in black army suits, except one. He was dressed in a formal black suit and a coat similar to a trench coat. He picked up the bag she had dropped and opened it up, dumping its contents onto the ground.

                “No!” the woman shouted and scrambled to catch some of the white powder. She caught a little before the rest blended into the snow, but it wasn’t near enough to get her safely through the portals.

                “I’m afraid you won’t be needing that anymore,” he said and knocked the small amount of duct out of her hand. He nodded towards her and the others approached her, guns drawn.

                “You don’t understand,” she pleaded. “Everything will fall unless you let me go. Things you only thought imaginable will come into your world and take over.” The woman was pulled to her feet. She could a thin stream of blood slide down her forehead. “Please!”

                The man laughed harshly.  “We knew there was something special about you. Disappearing into mirrors when they are nothing but a piece of glass. But now we have you. And you are going to tell us everything.”

                “I will tell you nothing!”

                “Oh, but you will. Or else I’m afraid you won’t be able to get back to your mirrors.”

                The woman glared at him. “I don’t know who you are, I don’t know what you want, but I do know one thing: if you are lying to me, you will regret it.”

                The man just smirked and had the others drag the woman away. He threw the bag onto the ground and kicked snow to cover it up, then followed behind the others and the woman.


It didn’t take long for the reflections to start fading. Most people stayed away from the mirrors, afraid of what was on the other side. Others researched the topic, but not much came up. The only thing was a quote on the internet. It said:

                    “What if mirrors were portals to another world,

                    but the reason we couldn’t go through is because

                    our reflection is protecting us from the horrors on

                    the other side?”

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