Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

        The woman frowned. "I believe I can't tell you that information," she says.

        Christopher gestured towards the mirror. "I believe you're going to have to. Otherwise we will go in there blindly and get rid of everything in our way."

        "You can't do that!" The woman objected. "It'll throw the worlds out of balance!"

        "There's a balance?"

        "Yes. And if you mess up one side, they both are ruined."



        I woke up to the sound of beeping. It was a constant sound, like a heartbeat. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, a white ceiling coming into focus. I look around.

        Metal boxes are scattered around the room, some blinking, others displaying numbers or lines. The walls are white like the ceiling and the floor is shiny and clean. The room smelled of something strange.

        I tried to sit up, but there was a sharp pain in my side. I winced and laid back down, looking at my sided. The was a white cloth wrapped around my stomach, but something else caught my attention more. A long tube was stuck in my arm, filling me with some sort of liquid and wires were attached to me. I suddenly panicked and sat up quickly, ignoring the pain. I quickly pulled the tube out of my arm and a long needle followed at the end of it.

        I dropped it to the ground and pulled the wires off, dropping them as well. The steady beeping sound quickly turned into a constant buzzing.

        I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. The floor was cold against my now bare feet. I walked towards the door, holding my side.

        I walked out into the hallway and a few people started to run towards me, shouting for other to come help. They weren't going to let me leave, but I had to at least try. I quickly turned and ran down the hallway, looking for a way out.

        "We're just trying to help you!" I heard one of the people shout. Most of them were dressed in white coats or outfits that were all the same color.

        I wasn't going to let them catch me. I quickly turned down another hall, not slowing down even though my side felt like it was on fire.

        I needed a way out. I didn't care how I did it, but I needed to do it fast. The people were quickly gaining on me. I knew they were going to hurt me. They already had.

        I pushed open a door on the right side of the hall and stepped inside, quickly closing it and locking it behind me. The room was very clean and didn't have many things in it. The floor was cold and the room had a slight foul smell to it. 

        The thing that caught my attention the most was the mirror. A medium sized mirror hung above a white bowl on the wall. I slowly approached it, afraid that I would see my reflection like I had back in the man's house. 

        But I didn't. I didn't have a reflection. There was a loud banging on the door and a lot of yelling. 

        Hurry up, you idiot. 

        I climbed up onto the bowl and put my hand up to the mirror. My hand went through, followed by the rest of me. 

        This time, I kept my eyes open. I was engulfed by black and coldness, but in a moment it was gone and I was back in my world. In my own room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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