Run You Fools! (Part I)

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Blast! Blast! Blast!

And behind me, BOOM BOOM BOOM.

Bullets were flying everywhere as I ran beside Mr Ambrose -- who didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that we were being shot at!

I risked a look behind me and saw them. Men. Bloody chauvinists everywhere!

And with guns.

From the looks of it, they clearly outnumber us. More than a dozen of Dalgliesh' men ran after us firing their rifles.

How we weren't down to ground and dead was a bloody miracle! Grateful that that hadn't happened yet, I faced my dearest dear employer.

'You said you had this under control!' I screamed at him, my voice muffled by the continuous blows of gunshots.

'I said I had a plan, Mr Linton!'

'Miss Linton!'

A grunt was heard behind us and I looked back just in time to see one of Mr Ambrose's men fall to ground.

Without thinking, my running became incredibly faster. Whoa, I didn't think I was capable of running this fast.

Maybe because you are being shot at right now with the probability of dying.

'Shut up!'

I heard Mr Ambrose's cool voice amidst the shots, 'What?!'

I chose not to acknowledge him with an answer and faced ahead.

We were headed towards a window. No more left and right turns. We were in a hallway where the only way we can get out alive is jumping out the window...

Of a two-storey building.

Mr Ambrose, who seems to have read my thoughts, said--well, shouted, 'That window leads to sea, Mr Linton!'

Oh, right! Dalgliesh' building stood on a cliff leading to sea.

'But, sir! How do you intend to break the gla--'

Mr Ambrose raised a hand holding a pistol and shot the window.


One of Mr Ambrose's men -- who was ahead of us -- jumped out the window and screamed.




Splashes of water and a scream of triumph was heard.

Incredible hearing you've got!

It wasn't long before I, Mr Ambrose, Karim and everyone behind us jumped out of the window and got engulfed by blue salty waters.

To be honest, it was rather hard to locate where you are going while underwater. So I surfaced and opened my eyes.

Now where the hell is that bloody miser?

Water splashed upon my face and I accidentally breathed them in. I sank back underwater and forced out a cough.

Ugh! My nose hurts.

I resurfaced again, only to be carried by an insanely large wave that sent me underwater again!

Damn it all!

I flayed my arms everywhere and amidst my resurfacing attempt, a strong arm wrapped around my waist from behind.

An enemy!

I tried to punch the hostile but it proved rather hard to inflict strong hits while underwater.

The man then began swimming to shore. This bloody chauvinist was definitely an enemy!

I tried to punch him again and again but to no avail, he still swam, undeterred by my powerful hits.

Once we reached shore, I slipped from the attacker's grasp and prepared to beat him to a pulp but the face that greeted me restricted me from doing so.

'Mr Ambrose?' I panted.

He merely nodded his head a fraction of an inch before he dropped, face first into the sand.

Bloody hell!

Uhm, I hope you found my writing satisfactory.

It's my first time writing so please, help me ;-;

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