The Yellow Piggy Figurine (Part II)

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The next morning, I arrived at 322 Leadenhall Street later than usual. I was just about to open the doors to the Empire House when Great Paul struck nine.


Mr Pearson looked up at me when he heard my grudgingly slow steps. How he heard me with all that donging outside was beyond me.

"Mr Linton? I see you're not as annoying as you were yesterday," he said with a smirk.

I glared at him, "I see your face is even more sallower today, Sallow-face," I shot him my award-winning grin.

Which is rather hard to do especially with all these emotions flooding your well-being upon finding out that you might be in love with a man made of granite!

Shut up!

Mr Pearson glared at me then went back to doing whatever it was he was doing before he decided to insult me.



I rushed up the stairs as fast as I could while the strange feelings kept attacking me, weighing me down.



If I was truly feeling something for that stone of a man, wouldn't it make me happy?

Ella is considerably happier with Edmund around. Anne and Maria, loved by plenty of chauvinist pigs they love back, are happy. So, why am I not?

My steps slowed as I remembered what happened the night before yesterday.

I kissed him.

Then the day after that he thanked me for it.

Could it be that he might be feeling the same way?

Wait, a second! The same way? I, Lillian Linton, am most definitely not, never, ever, ever, going to feel that way about my oh-so dearest employer! No! No, no, and no, no, no! No way in hell!

So that's why I wasn't happy, because I wasn't feeling it.

Ha! I am a feminist after all.

I reached the seventh floor, with determination written on my face and exhaustion written everywhere else.

Why couldn't that son of a bachelor relocate his office to a lower floor?!

"Mr Stone, greetings!" I said, no longer struggling with my grin.

He looked up and waved, "Good morning, Mr Linton,". He was just about to go back to work when he remembered something and said, "Mr Ambrose told me he would like to see you in his office,"

I eyebrows narrowed, "Mr Ambrose would like to see me?"

"Well, he said 'Tell Mr Linton to come to office when he arrives', I was simply making it more... formal,"

Formality? I'd rather shove formality where the sun doesn't shine! Not mine, of course.

I thanked Mr Stone then opened the door to Mr Ambrose's office.

The moment my eyes locked onto his blue orbs, I felt... lost.

And felt some kind of contraction in my heart.



I ain't gonna tell you the reason why but it had something to do with Overwatch haha

So, hi, I'm back

I'm gonna try to finish The Yellow Piggy Figurine first before I begin working on the ideas you have sent me


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