Chapter 16- Temporary Places

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Everyone has been moved into my palace, and it is no longer quiet. Luckily, the Hunters arrived with enough humans to last us about four days, and Grayson some food too.

Not long after I had gone into my palace, I had went to see my painting room. All of it was destroyed, the paint all running down the canvases. It was heartbreaking to see, and I made sure my invisible mask was back on before I left the room.

I am currently in my bedroom. I've been letting Grayson sleep here since I don't trust anyone enough not to attack him. The council has made a scheduled meeting at 3 o'clock and it is 2:30. I'm applying lipstick at my desk when Grayson speaks.

"Your bed is so comfortable, why don't you ever sleep in it?" He leans back on my queen size bed.

"Because, I don't need sleep. It is unnecessary." I say, for like the fifth time.

"Then isn't this bed just a waste of space?"

"Every bedroom has a bed, Aaron. I like to keep as many Above traditions as possible."

"Thats not really a tradi-"

"Don't argue with me, Grayson, its not worth it."

I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I call.

"I have your blood for you, my Queen," a female voice speaks.

Opening the door, I see one of the volunteers that help distribute the blood to everyone. Everyone's jobs have been all mixed up, and now its mostly volunteers doing what needs to be done.

I take the blood out of her hands and take the glass she gives me too. Then, I shut the door.

Walking back to my room, I see Grayson staring at my bag of blood. I pour some of it into a glass and take a sip.

"So, I know its typically girls who say this, but I see you have no intention of doing that so I will. We need to talk." He sits up from lying on my bed.

"About what?" I ask.

"You know, that kiss we had. In the storage room. Did you forget already?"

"I was trying to forget, until you brought it up again!" I say a bit frustrated. Of course I remembered it, even with all the chaos going on I've still been thinking about it.

"Oh." He is still staring at the cup in my hands, the crimson liquid swishing around when I move it. "Your not going to say anything about it?"

"No, It was a mistake that should be forgotten." I say plainly.

"Wow, ok. I feel so offended," He puts a hand over his heart and fakes a hurt expression. However I don't miss that flash of hurt in his eyes.

I sigh. "I need to get to a meeting, I'll tell the guards to make sure no one else comes in here, okay?"

"Before you leave, I have a question. Don't answer it, just think about it. Was it a mistake because you didn't like it, or your people wouldn't like it?"

Grayson's POV

Once Lilith has left, I have this room to myself. It looks all old fashioned and royal, but not all goth and vampire like. The only thing this palace is missing is some good food. Thinking of food makes my stomach growl .

I want to get out of here and stretch my legs, but my will to live is strong, so i continue to lay sprawled out on Lilith's bed. Theres painted stars on the ceiling, I wonder how many times Lilith has stared at them, wishing she could see real stars. When was the last time I've seen real stars? I never really payed much attention to that sort of stuff before. Id been out late at night lots of times, usually partying. And not once did I stop and look up at the stars. When you see something often enough, its no longer interesting and loses its value. Until its gone.

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