Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [4]

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Kate decided to follow Trevor and see what he was up to. She snaked around the filled cafeteria tables and quietly trailed his figure into the hallway. He stopped abruptly and turned around.

“You’re following me?” His smirk returned.

She flushed. “Yes I am.”

He stepped closer to her. “Why?”

She looked down, hoping to avoid the daze he could subject her to. “Because I’m curious.”

“Curious, or nosy?” He chuckled and her eyes darted at him evilly.

“I’m curious because when I asked you what you were, instead of asking me if I was crazy you said ‘none of your business’.” She put a hand on her hip and pursed her lips. Something she always did when she’s mad.

He seemed to get enjoyment out of her anger. “Hmm. Such passion from something so small.”

She huffed but didn’t make any move to say she was done.

Trevor’s eyes faltered and became relaxed and happy.

“You’ll tell me what you are.” Her second personality filled the space between them and touched Trevor’s face with her hand lightly.

Trevor smiled a smile she’s seen before. “I’m you, Kate. I’m the same as you.”

She shook off the mental change and dropped her hand. Trevor’s body still swayed in temporary euphoria raised her eyes and let her power flow through the cracks of her mind. She turned on her heel and walked to her locker just as the bell rang.

She murmured to herself, “You’ll never be like me.”

“Let’s ask a better question, shall we? What are you, Kate?” He raised one eyebrow in fake speculation.

Kate rolled her eyes in a mocking way. “None of your business.”

Trevor’s eyes melded into hers but Kate looked away quickly before he could trick her into giving away all kinda of dangerous secrets.

“Stop doing that.”

“Doing what, Kate?”

She could hear the innocent tone to his voice. “Seducing you?”

She stopped and thought. Was that what he was doing? Seducing her? Is that how her own hapless victims felt when they experienced her seduction?

Sex Goddess: A Lovely SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now