Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [7]

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“See? We’re safe here. It’s just us.” She tried to convince Trevor of the truth, but he didn’t acknowledge. She put her arms around his neck and crushed her body to his. “Please, Trevor. Don’t do this to me.”

He finally moved, putting his arms around her waist and nuzzling into her neck. “I’m sorry, Kate. We’re not alone.” He whispered it so lovingly, she didn’t realize he was rejecting her until he pulled her off him and stepped away from her. “We have to behave Kate. We can’t keep doing this. They’ll see us.”

She opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was sobs. “Don’t leave me!”

But he was gone.

Walking through the hallways at school, Kate didn’t try to avoid Trevor. This was the fifth day he’d been in her dreams and she hadn’t gotten enough sleep because of it. She passed him at his locker and he looked equally tired. She absently wondered if he was experiencing the same torture she was.

He turned and smirked at her. But his usually evil grin lacked it’s usual confidence.

“Hello, Kate.”

She didn’t try to hide her shiver when he spoke her name.

“Hello.” She kept walking. She heard him following behind her.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Kate. We need to talk.” She spun around and brushed off his hand.

“What? You don’t need to constantly grab me to get my attention. You can do what normal people do, ask for me.”

He chuckled at her spunk. “I was just going to ask you again for Algebra help.” He shrugged, like he was dismissing it’s importance.

Kate had an inspiration of genius. “Yes, Trevor. I will tutor you. Ride home with me after school today.” She was about to walk away.

“I’ll follow you there.” He sounded pleased.

She took a jab at the opportunity and went with it. “Don’t get lost in the darkness.”

His face was all but stoic. Too stoic. He had dreamt it too.

Sex Goddess: A Lovely SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now