Chapter 20: You're back

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And guess who is sick....thats right...this girl.... why me?! Loo. I've been sick so much lately I have no idea why. I feel like I'm dying lmao.

And sorry for the short chapter. I'm not really feeling well. Please forgive me. :/

And guess what?! I got tickets to see One Direction in August :) I'm so excited haha :)

Finally!!! Christmas break!!!

Read authors note at the end.



It's been 2 days since we took Ashe to the hospital and she is doing a lot better.

She met Lilly and Katie, and she is getting better with the doctor. She still isn't good around guys yet.

"So who was the guy that barged in the room before?" Ashe asked me.

I looked up to see her looking at me intensely. "That was David. He's the beta."

"Okay. Then how come my wolf was like freaking out? She wouldn't shut up." She laughed.

I laughed with her. "What was she saying?"

"She was like 'go to him. Go to him'."

I looked at her and smiled. "Do you know about mates?"

Her eyes went wide. "He is my mate. Isn't he?"

I nodded. "He is."

She took a deep breathe. "Oh this is a lot."

I laughed softly. "It's gonna be okay. He's a nice guy."

"Tell me about him." She said smiling.

"Well. He's nice like a total sweetheart, he's a big dork, he's funny, he's tough, uhh I think he's 19."

"He sounds nice." She said happily.

I nodded. "He is. And you don't have to be scared of him. He would never hurt you."

"But what if he rejects me. The first time he saw me was when I'm in a hospital bed! I'm so pathetic. I can't en protect myself."

"Ashe!" I growled causing her to jump and look at me. "You are not pathetic. You are young and beautiful. The only reason you couldn't fight back was because they was like 6 guys and you didn't have your full strength yet."

"Ya sure?" She asked unsurely.

"Yes. Of course I'm sure Ashe."


"Would you like to go meet him?" I asked her.

"I'm scared too."

"I'll be right here with you."

We got up and everything ready as we left the pack hospital.

We moved our way over to the pack house and I opened the door.

"What if the other wolves don't like me?" Ashe asked quietly.

"They have to to through me." I smiled. But I was dead serious. They would have to go through me in order to get to Ashe.

The moment we stepped in, all head turned towards us.

Ashe whimpered and pressed herself into my side.

Not a second later, I heard footsteps booming as they ran down the stairs.

"Why do I smell a rogue?!" Jake's voice boomed.

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