Authors Note

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Hey! Sorry this is not an update.

I'm just letting you guys know that I will not really be on here at all this weekend.

My youth group and I are going to Michigan for One Life. I'm so excited :)

We leave tomorrow after school and won't come back until Monday.

So those of you who live in Michigan, I might see ya :)

I'm going to U.P. in Michigan for Covenant Point :) and also Allicks7 is with me!

Thank you everyone for understanding :)

P.S. My cousin got a wattpad account. You also may know her as Kyrn :) go follow her. Allicks7

P.S.S. Wolfheartcp's book My Werewolf Girlfriend got deleted somehow. So you guys might have to wait a while. We are working on getting it back up. So my apologies. I will let you all know when it gets back up. And if you haven't read it, you should :) its really good and I'm co-writing it. Wolfheartcp is the actual author.

Love you my faithful shifters :)


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