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"I don't know but I've been told!"
"I don't know but I've been told!" Team USA repeated as they skated behind their coach, who was driving a buggy.

"Team USA's gonna win the gold!"
"Team USA's gonna win the gold!"

"So listen up and listen good!"
"So listen up and listen good!"

"We're all heading for Hollywood!"
"We're all heading for Hollywood!"

"This is really great." Luis said, catching up with Hailee.
"What do you mean?" She asked, as everyone else continued to chant.
"I'm glad I got offered to join the team. Everyone's so kind and happy."
Hailee smiled. "I'm glad you got the offer too. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you."

Luis had to stare at the ground to hide his ridiculously wide smile. Hearing her say that made him want to skate past everyone else and leap over the speed bumps.


On the plane, Hailee sat in-between Connie and Luis.
Hailee and Connie were watching Stand by Me when Hailee felt someone lying against her.
She looked to Luis to see his head resting on her shoulder. She quietly giggled, being careful not to wake him.

"I think he likes you." Connie whispered.
Hailee snapped her head towards her and made a 'pft' noise.
"I'm being serious! I know you don't know each-other that well, but I can tell something's gonna happen between you two."

Hailee was barely able to shake her head. She chuckled. "I would shake my head, but Luis is kinda lying on my shoulder so..."
Connie laughed before returning her attention back to the film.

Maybe she's right. Hailee thought. She knew that they didn't know each-other that well, but Hailee had to admit, perhaps she did feel something for Luis too...


Once Team USA arrived in Los Angeles, they were sent straight into their first match against Trinidad. They were currently winning 6-0. Hailee had scored the most recent goal. When she did, she looked over to Luis, who was sat on the bench, and smiled when she saw him cheering for her.

Jesse had recently been sent on, but within a few seconds of being on the rink, a player on the Trinidad team tripped him up and Jesse was starting an argument.

The referee ordered him to go to the penalty box for two minutes, before being allowed back in the game.

Gordon then yelled, "Change it up!" And switched Hailee and Averman for Fulton and Dean.
Hailee watched as the two fist-bumped each-other before standing up. She laughed and plopped herself beside Luis on the bench.
"You're playing great!" Luis said.
Hailee smiled. "Thanks."

Luis and Hailee watched the two teenagers barge their way past any player on the opposite team and winced when one would fall to the floor.
"I would not wanna be up against one of them." Hailee chuckled.

Dean then put the puck in the net, and Team USA and the fans jumped up and cheered. Hailee chuckled as the boys bowed.

Luis was soon called in to switch with Jesse. Hailee clapped and cheered. "You'll do great!"
Luis turned back to her and sent her a wink before skating into the rink. Hailee squealed just a little before widening her eyes. She shook her head. You're not becoming one of those girls, Adams. She said to herself.

Team USA ended up winning 9-2, which was pretty great since it was only their first match. Within the day, they were already in the newspapers.

The team were currently stood at the Los Angeles Goodwill Games Panel, bombarded with paparazzi and interviewers.

She could feel Luis stood right behind her, but she didn't turn around.
"And the man chosen to lead them to the gold: Gordon Bombay!" Tibbles introduced.

The team clapped as he stood in the centre of his team.
The mascot then came onto the stage as the cameras flashed.
Hailee felt someone tap her. "Don't forget to smile!" Luis teased.

This time, she turned around and grinned. "Yes, sir!" She mocked.

Once the mascot left, Tibbles chose some interviewers to ask some questions. A tall blonde woman was chosen. She stood up. "Team USA, how does it feel competing on an international level here in Los Angeles?"

"Feels good!"
"I love it!"
"It's great!"

"Coach Bombay, The Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favourite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?"

After a long pause, Gordon spoke up. "Uhm, hard work. I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. We're not worried about them. Iceland may be tough, but, erm, we're Team USA and we're going all the way."

Hailee clapped. "Well said." She had to raise her voice a little so Gordon could hear.

"Team USA's going down; that's where you're going!" A man yelled, making the crowd fall silent.
Hailee looked over to see a group dressed in all black, glaring at them.

Hailee and Luis shared confused looks.
"See you on the ice, Bombay!"

"That's Stansson, coach of the Iceland team." Hailee overheard Tibbles explain to Gordon.
"Stansson from the NHL? The Wolf? The dentist Stansson is coaching? You didn't tell me that." Gordon replied as the Iceland team left.

Luis shook his head. "We're gonna beat them. They don't know what's coming."
Hailee turned to him and smirked. "I like your confidence."
Luis smiled and tutted his head. "It's a speciality of mine."
Hailee playfully rolled her eyes. "No need to show off, Mendoza."


Once Team USA were shown to their dorms, they had to choose who they were going to share their rooms with.
Connie, Hailee and Julie immediately turned to one another, since none of them wanted to share a room with any of the guys.

Hailee was lying on her back staring at the ceiling. She couldn't help but think about Luis. All of this was more than just feelings towards him.

She wanted something to happen, but the one problem was that she didn't have as much confidence as Luis claimed to have, so she guessed she was going to have to wait...

LOVING SOMEONE ⇢ LUIS MENDOZA [1]Where stories live. Discover now