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Iceland is really taking it against Team USA. They are dominating this game!
As we start the second period, you have to wonder how in world are Team USA going to get back in there? It's like David vs Goliath!

Hailee watched as Dean and Fulton skated onto the rink and began to knock over any Iceland player in their way. The team cheered.

Ken used some of his skills from the Olympics with his playing and managed to take the Iceland players' eyes off the puck.
By the time they had refocused on the puck, it was in Fulton's possession. "Pretty cool, huh?"

Fulton passed it back to Ken, who put the puck in the net.
Everyone cheered as they scored their second goal, and also raising Hailee's hopes.

Team USA laughed as Ken began to attack one of the Iceland players, doing exactly what James taught him to do.

Dean and Fulton cheered for Ken before turning to crowd and throwing their arms up in the air. They then teased the Iceland team members on the bench, resulting in them both joining Ken in the penalty box.


By the time the second period was over, they were still loosing.
Hailee was sat in between Adam and Luis, who was insanely sweaty.

"Did you all enjoy that?" Gordon asked as he entered the room.
"Yeah!" The team said in unison.
"Okay, well, so did they. Because they're still 2 points up and we're one period away from defeat." Gordon replied.

"Well if we can't beat them, we might as well keep our pride." Jesse shrugged.
The team nodded in agreement.

"Jesse, that's not pride." Gordon sighed. "Sure, when Hailee knocked down Stahl and when Dwayne roped that big oaf, part of me cheered. But guys, I've been there. I know how you feel, and I wanted to cream that jerk that busted my knee when I played in the minors and I really wanted to go after Stansson for that cheap shot."

Hailee watched as he circled the room.
"But do you know what? My knee will heal. And if I become someone I'm not, if I sink to their level, well then I've lost more than my knee. You understand?"

"Yeah." The team mumbled.
"We're not goons, we're not bullies. No matter what people say or do, we have to be ourselves. You." Gordon pointed at Dean. "Who are you?"

"Dean Portman."
"From where?"
"Chicago, Illinois."
"You." Gordon pointed at Guy.
"Guy Germaine."
"From where?"
"Uh, Saint Paul, Minnesota."

Gordon continued to point at people. When he pointed at Luis, he stood up.
"Luis Mendoza, Miami, Florida."
Gordon then pointed at Hailee, and she stood up too. "Hailee Adams, Edina, Minnesota."

"Greg Goldberg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"Lester Averman, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota."
"Fulton Reed, Stillwater, Minnesota."
"Russ Tyler, South Central Los Angeles."

"Charlie Conway, Minneapolis, Minnesota."
"Ken Wu, San Francisco, California."
"Connie Moreau, Minneapolis, Minnesota."
"Adam Banks, Edina, Minnesota."
"Dwayne Robertson, Austin, Texas."

"Michele McKay, Duluth, Minnesota."
"And I'm Gordon Bombay, Minneapolis, Minnesota."

Team USA cheered as Luis wrapped his arm around Hailee and pulled her closer.

"We're Team USA gathered from all across America, and we're gonna stick together."

Hailee smiled as Luis placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You know why?"
"Because we are ducks!" Jan answered for Gordon. "And ducks fly together!"
Gordon clapped. "That's right, Jan!"

"And just when you think they're about to break apart..."
"Ducks fly together!" Everyone chorused.

"And when the wind blows hard and the sky is black..."
"Ducks fly together!"

"And when the roosters are cawing and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture?" Dwayne chimed in.
Hailee laughed as everyone unsurely said, "Ducks fly together!"

"And when everyone says it can't be done, ducks fly together."

"Now, new ducks and old ducks must unite under a new banner. And I thought perhaps something like this..."

LOVING SOMEONE ⇢ LUIS MENDOZA [1]Where stories live. Discover now