°°°Chapter 11°°°

33 16 4

Unknown POV

She saved me... I can't believe it, but she saved me... No one has ever took a glance at me. Never.
I was amazed when she fought all of these guys, who was of course twice her size. It was freaking awesome.


"Kid, you better get me my stuff or else, you know your life is on the line," Lucas said with a smirk.

Although it was dark, I could make out everything clearly with the glasses my father got me.

"You won't get a thing out of me! No matter what... You don't expect me to give you something you never paid for! It doesn't work like that!" I glared at him.

He laughed. Like a very evil laugh. Then out of no where two guys held me down, and pushed me to the ground. How dare they!

"Pay, you say aye..." He humorlessly laughed.
"After everything I've done for you huh? All the deals I ever got for your family, doesn't any of that count?" He smiled disgustingly.

I glared. How dare he! He betrayed me! Now he wants to play all buddy up! Awe hell to the fish no!

"Are you insane! After you betrayed me and my family! Now you bring up this talk you bastard!" I yelled trying to get out of the grip his goons had on me.

Two other guys, suddenly came out; and punched me square in the face and stomach. Awe that hurt like a bitch.
Where the hell are these idiots coming from. I coughed up blood and spat in one of the assholes face.

Total Blast! ||ON HOLD||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat