Prologue: Letting Them Go

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I removed my fingers from the heads of my beautiful children laying peacefully in their crib. I croaked in order to keep my emotions down. I couldn't cry, not now. This was something that Gajeel and I had both agreed on. It was too dangerous for Accaila and Jace to keep their lives as supernaturals. Their morphing abilities and blood lust were now gone and they would stay that way until they see one another again. That wasn't something I saw happening though. 

"Gajeel," I walked from their crib and walked out of the bedroom. I wrapped my sweater around my body tighter and looked at him, "it's done." 

He looked up at me from his chair letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry we have to do this, shrimp." He whispered. 

"It's something we both agreed on." I walked to him and sat in his lap. I kissed his cheek, "If we don't do this, they'll die along with us."

"We ain't gonna die." He growled under his breath. I put my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. I searched his scarlet eyes before standing up. I began walking to the bedroom again when his voice spoke again, "Keep yerself safe while delivering him." 

"I will." I stepped into the bedroom and picked up Jace. It was time for me to take him to the closest human city I could find. My young alpha was only two months old and he would never know his parents. It broke my heart knowing it would be that way for both of my children. 

I grabbed the blanket I had made Jace and wrapped him in it tightly. I knew for sure the humans would read the name "Jace" on his blanket and at least know his first name. 

I walked out of the bedroom and to the front door of the small cabin. I opened the door and slipped into the night. I walked through the forest quickly hugging my small boy to my chest. I could see the lights of the city in the distance. At the pace I had been walking, it only took me about an hour to get there. Once in the city I found a chapel. I pushed open the door and walked inside. 

"Hello?" I said loudly. I could hear my voice echo throughout the pews. "Is anyone here?" I took a few more steps before I spotted a woman blowing out candles. "Excuse me." 

"Can I help you?" She turned and looked at me. She had a slightly irritated tone. That was probably due to the fact that it was near midnight.

"I found this child in the cold, I was hoping you could find him a home." I lied walking him closer to her. 

Her interest seemed to have shifted and she took my son from my arms quickly. She looked him over and I took the opportunity to dash out of there. I watched from a window outside as she looked up confused. 

"Good-bye..." I whispered as I walked away from the chapel hoping that we'd really made the best choice. 


I hugged Accaila to my chest as the snow began falling upon the forest. I growled hugging her tighter. It was too cold, even for me. If I didn't get her out of the cold, she surely would have problems. I hoped Levy had an easier time getting Jace somewhere warm before they got too cold. If there was one thing I knew, it was Levy's resistance to the cold. That was one thing that vampires held over werewolves. Years and years of sleeping during the day and spending their nights up and about gave them the advantage in the cold. I had a huge resistance to the cold, but it could never match to that of Levy. She wore sweaters and used blankets to keep her skin warm, even if she couldn't recognize it as cold. It was more for me than herself. 

I looked up from the path I was heading down. The forest was dark with only the moon illuminating the path before. I needed to get out of the damn cold. The baby in my arms was shivering. 

I took a deep breath then took off in a sprint. I kept Accaila close to my chest, which made it harder to get to the full speed I was used to. I was running a little faster than any human could run, which wasn't bad. At least if someone saw me, they would think I was human. 

After running for about thirty minutes I stopped. I was panting hard, but I wasn't cold anymore. The city was in my sight. It was more of a small town than really a city. The buildings were tiny and there were hardly any stores along the streets. Once I entered this small town, it took me about ten more minutes to find somewhere to leave my daughter. I settled with the local doctor.

"Can I help you?" She opened her door as she spoke. She looked exhausted and I almost felt bad for waking her. "Goodness, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I said holding out Accaila. "This child was in the woods. I saved her from some wolves, but I ain't able to take care of a child."

She took my child from me, "I can see what I can do." She looked over her before speaking again, "Do you need a place to stay?"

"No." I whispered as I turned. I headed back into the forest heartbroken. 

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