Chapter Four: Cold Alpha

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My heart sank as the warmth from the sun hit my hands, it was a strange feeling and one I hadn't felt in over five years. A cold breeze also passed through the house and I shivered. I had abandoned my coat back at the cabin because I didn't need it. Well, I didn't need it as a vampire. Feeling the cold was weird. It was a piercing feeling.

"How?" Was all I could ask as Gajeel's eyes filled with concern. It shouldn't have been possible. Even if they found a way to fix the once human, pure bloods should've been safe.

He shrugged then walked behind me picking up a syringe that was sitting where I had woken up. He sniffed it and made a disgusted look, "Chemicals and lots of 'em. I think there might be garlic in this too." He sniffed it again before nodding his head, "Yeah, that is garlic."

"Garlic kills us."

"And when injected with whatever the hell they put in this, it killed yer vampire cells... Or is killin' 'em still." He looked up. I did feel extremely weak. Was I... Dying?

"Gajeel..." The room felt like it was spinning. Had my best friend killed me? This was the thanks I got for saving her life all those years ago? For taking her in? For saving her life a second time when she could've been tried for treason of the McGarden Coven? It didn't make any sense to me.

"We'll figure out how to fix this." His voice made me pull from my thoughts. His voice was reassuring and his face told me he truly believed it, but I was feeling weaker by the second. Whatever I had been injected with was really working its way through my blood and killing my cells one-by-one.

"We don't have the time." I whispered as the room really started to seem like it was spinning. I reached out and stumbled towards him then blacked out.


I woke up at the cabin, which surprised me a lot. What surprised me more was that when I wiggled around in the bed, I didn't feel weak at all. I actually felt really strong. Stronger than I had ever felt.

But where was Gajeel?

It took about five minutes of sitting in the bed and listening to realize I was in the cabin alone. Gajeel couldn't stay still, even if he was out reading by a light. He would always move around and he would always make a lot of noise.

I got a gut wrenching feeling in my stomach so I made my way to my feet. Much to my surprise, I could stand up and the weakness I felt before passing out was completely gone. My strength was regained. I actually felt better than I ever had.

I walked to the door and pulled it open slowly then peeked my head out. There was a fire in the fireplace that was keeping the cabin warm, which I appreciated since I could now feel the cold from outside. I opened the door all the way and stepped into the small living room area and over to the fire. Gajeel's scent was strong on the chair in front of me.

"Where are you?" I asked quietly turning around. The front door flew open and snow began to rush in because of the storm outside. I rushed to the door and was about to shut it when I noticed a lump in the snow on the ground over the railing. It was close to the edge of the forest, I would've assumed it was a small bush but there was no bush in the spot. It had to be something. My curiosity got the better of me.

I turned quickly and headed into the bedroom. I shrugged on my coat quickly then slipped on my boots. Finally, I pulled on my gloves and headed out the door. I jumped over the railing catching myself. I nearly slipped because there was so much snow, but I managed to land.

I drug my feet through the snow and knelt down. I began digging through the snow when I saw a very familiar shade of hair. "Gajeel!" I dug at the lump faster, desperate to free my wolf from the snow. He was going to freeze to death if he wasn't already dead.

Once he was freed from the snow I carefully picked him up. I could feel his shallow breathing, which made me feel a bit better, but he was extremely cold. It took me a while, but I managed to drag him up the stairs. It wasn't that I didn't have the strength, it was all the snow that kept making me fall over.

After laying Gajeel on the carpet in front of the fire I went back to the door and began shoving as much of it out as I could before forcing the door closed. Not only would it be helpful towards Gajeel, it was helpful for me. I was freezing.

I went to the bedroom next to grab a few pillows and a blanket or two. I also decided I would make my best attempt to redress him being that his clothes were soaked from laying under the snow for so long. I just wish I knew how long he actually spent underneath it.

I walked back into the living room with everything in my arms and began me work. First I removed his clothes and got him redress. That took me about 20 minutes being that he was asleep and I wasn't sure what to do at first. Once he was dressed I laid him on the pillow and tucked the blankets around him. Last, I sat there beside him and watched his chest rise and fall. I felt like if I looked away, he would die. I don't even remember falling asleep...

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