Chapter Six: Expect the Unexpected

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I rolled my shoulders then cracked my knuckles, I wasn't entirely sure what was waiting behind the door in my basement half of the cabin. Levy was behind me, her scent being stronger on my nose than ever. I had to assume it was because she was also an Alpha, and she was female. Maybe that was why there were no female alphas, their scents would be too strong.

I stepped passed the two cells in my basement and approached the door. As I reached for the knob Levy's thoughts found their way into my head again. They spoke softly and like a whisper, "Please take it slow..." She was nervous, but I had no clue as to why she wasn't admitting that to me.

I turned the doorknob and opened the door slowly. I sniffed to try to see, or smell, if anyone was nearby. My pack had lived in these tunnels for years, I was confused where there was no scent whatsoever coming to me. I looked back at Levy and nodded telling her it was safe.

I stepped into the tunnel and much to my surprise, it was slightly flooded. The water came over my shoes easily and it was freezing. Being that the tunnel lead down then back up to the pack hall, I knew there would be swimming involved. I hoped Levy wouldn't mind.

"Has this place always been this wet?" she asked as I heard her feet splash into the water. She was right behind me, I felt her hand on my back as she looked forward.

"No, which is strange to me. But, with my pack no longer assisting us, it does not surprise me that this place is flooded." I replied to her as we started our way through the water. As we traveled further in, the water only rose. When it touched my hips I looked back at Levy to see it was over her stomach. The height difference between us had never occurred to me until now. Should I carry her?

"Don't even think about it." Her voice hissed quietly, but with a ton of authority. She had followed my gaze to her stomach, and I could only assume she knew what I was think. I sighed and continued onward until I knew she was head deep in the water. I only knew because I heard a splash then a moment later i felt her brush against my leg before popping up a few meters away. "Are we close?"

"Yeah. Yer feet should be hitting the ground again in a few meters." With that she gave me a little smile and dived under again. I watched as she started wadding through the water again. I started on the move again and met her at the water's edge. I had to admit, I wasn't sure what was going to be through the door that stood there.

"What's with the water?" Her voice was very quiet, it was almost like she was in my head again.

"I'm not entirely sure. My pack decided we would flood these tunnels in emergency evacuation, but it wasn't like this when I last spoke to them. Plus, blondie and pinky took our kids here... Didn't they?"

"That's what you would expect." My eyes darted up and there stood a blonde man I hadn't seen in a very long time.

"What are ya doin' here, Sting?" I questioned as Levy looked between us with a confused look on her face.

"Well, you two set off my alarm, we put in motion detectors, and being that I am one of the few in the pack that hasn't completely betrayed you, I thought I would warn you what is behind this door. Your children are at the McGarden manor and this door has nothing but stray wolves working with vamps." He looked between us and then his eyes stayed on Levy, "They can smell her too. She smells heavily like an alpha, but she also smells like a vampire. I'd keep her out. Who knows what they would do to her if you two were captured."

I bit the inside of my lip, unsure what to do. It was very possible he was lying and there was a trap at the manor or he was telling the truth. I didn't know what to trust so I looked at Levy. "Opinion, shrimp?"

"The manor." She replied already turning around. She didn't say another word and I looked at Sting. I nodded and he waved as we headed back that way.
I took a deep breath as soon as my old home came into view. The manor was much bigger than I remembered, but then again, I hadn't been there in over five years. The last time I'd been there, my father burned before my eyes. That idiot...

"They're definitely in there." Gajeel's voice spoke behind me.

"You think it's a trap?" I said picking up on the scent that I assumed told my lover that our children were in the building in front of us.

"There is only one way to find out." He whispered. He placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him. His red eyes showed his uncertainty. I hoped we would be alright and that our kids were safe. He gave me a nod and I turned back to the manor.

"Let's go, there is no time to lose."

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