Twenty Three

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"Listen, I just wanted to say i'm sorry

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"Listen, I just wanted to say i'm sorry." Louis apologized as he stood outside of Zayn's home with his hands crossed over his chest as he looked anywhere but his best friend's golden orbs. He couldn't meet his gaze since he knew as soon as he did he would break down.

He already spent the past few nights crying himself to sleep.

He was emotionally drained. He wouldn't talk to any of the other people in his house besides Lottie because she talked to Harry. She spent time with him so she knew things that kept him going.

He just really missed him.

"I-I'm just a wreck since he left. Its been a few days and i already feel like i need him." He added, tugging at his chestnut fringe that was wild due to him not caring about his appearance.

He had dark circles that surrounded his eyes and his hair had tangles that were indescribable. His skin tone was slightly paler than the vibrant tan that he had because he was used to staying inside with Harry. Not being outside playing footie or skateboarding.

Zayn nodded along with him because he could see the emotional affect the monster had on his best friend but it still wasn't okay. "I love you Louis but I cant just sit there and listen to you talk about him for hours on end. It's like when I tell you about my problems, they're nothing. Nothing compares to whatever Harry is doing or what he has been through."

Now it was Louis' turn to nod because he agreed with that. He had been putting a large amount of importance on the curly haired man and not on the people around him.

The cons about being in his first ever serious relationship.

He had been in a few in his past but he was never used to being so into someone that he was sad when the person was sad or heartbroken when they left.

"I understand. Just please help me. I need to get him back and-" he paused, seeing the look of annoyance flash on his friend's face since it hasn't even been a minute after his apology and he was already asking for favors. "I'm sorry. I'm doing it again." He smiled shyly, looking down at his shoes in a way of distracting himself.

He could honestly talk about Harry forever. From his looks to his beautiful hair. From his gorgeous greens to his plump lips and the stitches that rested on his skin.

"Maybe its for the best that he left. So now you can focus on school and graduating."

Louis grimaced at that, shaking his head in disbelief because he was helping Harry. And vice versa.

"No." he stated, making eye contact because he felt strongly on the matter. "Harry left because I was being an asshole. And I need him back. Please help me get him back."

"Dude." Zayn sighed, running a hand through his dark locks. This is what I was talking about, he thought. Louis couldn't help but find him beautiful due to his flawless skin and gorgeous eyes. Even when he was denying his best friend of help, he was absolutely captivating.

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