What A Mate

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And we're working our way up there ! we dropped a little in Romance though :s

Werewolf: 81 Romance: 237 (we were 177)

Come on, let's jumpjumpjump up there! Sorry for the semi wait, I've been sleeping, & I started a new school yesterday (crazy) (:  [things are gonna get mean in this chapter, just a warning]

Continuing on...

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I rolled around in the sheets, flinging them over my head with a groan when the light flickered to life over my head.

"Are you awake now?"  Emily's voice rang out loudly.  Too loudly.

"No," I grumbled, burying into my pillow.

"Too bad, it's time to get up."  I felt a light tug on my ankles, and ignored it, curling them up beneath me.  And that's when the quilt flew off.

"Nooo!" I whined, blindly grabbing for my covers.  Her evil cackle reached my ears from the end of my bed, and if I was brave enough to open my eyes, they would've been narrowed angrily in her direction.  As is, I had already flung my hand up to flip her off.

"Get up Ally!" I heard Luke's bedroom door slam open, shaking the walls, and the familiar prancing of light skipping feet.

"Wakey wakey Ally!" Claire sang.  I froze, immediatly rolling to my left as she crashed onto the bed where I was once laying.  My eyes flew open to stare blearily at her evil grin.  Okay, okay, so maybe it wasn't reall an evil grin, but anything that was considering waking me up felt evil at this particular moment.  My neck hurt, the light was scarring my eyes, my back was stiff, and I was cold.  Emily and Claire weren't helping by making it worse.

"Wake up, or I call Tyler," Emily threatened, leaping over Claire so that the two girls were seated side by side, staring down at me with identical looks of warning in their eyes.  They wouldn't do it, though.  Definitely not. 


"Alright!" Emily smiled cheerily, standing up and stepping towards the door. "I hope Tyler doesn't get too mean with you, I am waking him up to wake you up, after all."

"Alright, alright, I'm up!" I cried, scrambling up from the bed.  The sheets were tangled around my feet, something I only noticed once they tightened their grip on my legs and I went flying sideways out of the bed, hitting the floor with a bang.  "Ugghh," I groaned, rubbing my head.  Claire's head popped out from over the side of the bed with wide eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"You.  This is your fault," I moaned, pointing a finger in her direction.  I dropped my arm to my side and sighed heavily.  "Now that I'm up, what the hell do you want?"

"Well, we wanted to show you around the town, because Luke hasn't let you out of his sight for more then ten minutes, and right now, he's in a meeting," Emily grinned, heading for my closet.  She opened the doors and began throwing clothing in my direction.

"So you're kidnapping me then."

"Well, no.  Because you're not a kid," Emily reasoned, stepping out of the closet once again.  "What do you think?"

"I'm starting to think you guys somehow stocked my closet in my sleep."

"That would probably be because we did," Claire smiled, leaping out of the bed and picking up the clothing on the floor.  "Now go put these on, and don't say you have to shower, we know you did last night."

I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora