4.New Beginning

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Present Day

Kate's P.O.V

"WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

Oh God! Everyone says that The word impossible itself says that I'm Possible and I used to believe it but now I'm starting to have second thoughts.

Waking Elisa is impossible!!

"Elisa wake up this instant or you'll experience the Ice Bucket challenge." I said yet it had no effect on her. The alarm was still ringing and yet she was sleeping with a peaceful smile on her face.

"Elisa come on, Sun's already up." I said.

"So what am I supposed to do? Photosynthesis?" She retorted and turned on her back pulling the covers up.

I have no other choice but to do this. She'll be late for her first day of senior year and I wanted everything to be perfect.

With vampire speed I went into the bathroom and came back to her bed.

Removing the cover I warned her last time. "Last chance Elisa, Wake up, you don't want to be late for your first day of senior year."

"Just 5 more minutes."

That's it.

I emptied the bucket of ice water on her head.

She yelped and came awake with a start. I couldn't control it and started laughing my ass off.

"Seriously Kate, Seriously?" She jumped from her bed and dumped the remaining icy water on my head.

I screamed due to sudden coldness and huffed.

"Karma's a Bi**th, isn't it?" Elisa said laughing.

I just stared at her in shock. She saw my expression and covered her mouth with her hands. She never ever used colorful language, usually I was the one to do it.

"It is. I'm finally growing on you, aren't I?" I asked.

"You grew on me the day you took me in." She said.

She started shivering,"Alright, come on it's your first day and Caro-"

The door ring began chiming continuously.

"Oh no! she's already here and she'll kill me if she see that I'm not ready." Elisa exclaimed.

"Don't worry I'll attend your funeral." I said to which Elisa gave me 'are you kidding me' look.

"What? I've been trying to wake you up since I don't know forever, I'm late for my shift and now I've to change my clothes again."

"Well, I did not tell you to carry out an ice bucket challenge and-"

The door bell chimed again.

"Alright, go open the door, I'll come down in a minute." Elisa said.

"Okay." She didn't ask me how I'll be able to change the clothes so fast and open the door in a minute.

She knew I was a vampire.

It wasn't like I told her. She find it out herself. She saw packets of blood in the dustbin and the next thing I know, she was asking me why I didn't tell her. I thought she would run away from me etcetera. But she just sat down and told me to that she wanna know everything.

After hearing my life history, she just yawned and said that it was an interesting story and went back to sleep. I sat there in daze and the next day she told me that it didn't matter if I was a vampire or devil, she just knows that I saved her from her brother.

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