64. Everything is a lie

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Elisa's P.O.V

"I'm not letting you heal me!" I exclaimed as Alec tried to heal my acid burn and almost broken wrist.

"Elisa, you must be in pain, I can heal you easily." He said trying to snatch my hand.

"Oh believe me Alec, I'm used to lot a more pain than this, thanks to you for all those lashes." I said sarcastically.

Hurt passed his eyes but I did not heed it any attention.

Lies. All lies.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialled Kate's number.

She picked up one her third ring, "Elisa! You must be home. I'm sorry, Jack insisted that we go out for a couple of days on a vacation and I couldn't say no. Olivia has apparently made new friends and is staying over there for a night. I was reluctant to allow her but she made that cute expression with her face and I couldn't say no to her. Call Caroline over for a night, we'll be back in two days. BTW I hope you liked your new history teacher--"

"Okay okay! Let me speak. First, I'm... I'm home and second, have fun. You deserve this vacation after all the work you do. Now keep the phone down enjoy your trip. P.S. Tell Jack not to flaunt over his teaching skills. Ta da." I said as enthusiastically as possible.

I immediately cut the call and began making my way out of School.

I couldn't bring myself to confide in to Kate after I heard that she was finally having fun and love back in her life.

Just because love hated me doesn't mean I hate it for blooming in someone else's life.

A hand circled my elbow, "Where do you think you're going?" Alec asked, turning me around to face him.

I say that I hate him but still the sight of his face, his eyes leave me breathless.

Damn you heart!

"Somewhere you're not invited." I said.

The pain was biting my hand with that burn.

How am I gonna heal it now? Both Kate and Jack are out of town and I have school tomorrow. How am I going to take notes?

"It's nighttime Elisa. I'm not gonna let you go alone. No one is there to drop you home. Come with me, I'll take you home." He said.

"Excuse me! I'm not a f*cking damsel in distress who needs to be escorted from one location to other. I can take care of myself, thank you." I said yaking my hand from his grip. It was so hard not to hiss in pain.

He stopped me again, "Stop touching me!" I yelled at him but it was the biting pain that was speaking.

"Alright, if you won't let me heal you, at least let me bandage your wounds...please" He pleaded.

"Why? Why do you wanna bandage my wounds? It is not going to earn you forgiveness! Then why do you wanna heal me?" I asked frustratingly.

"Because I care." He said.

I closed my eyes to stop the sting of tears behind my eyes.

Everything he says are the words I desired to hear from his mouth. Each and every word still act like a soothing balm on my broken heart.

No no! Everything is a lie.

I opened my eyes and locked myself in his stormy stare, "No, you don't Alec. You don't." I said softly.

He clutched my shoulders and brought me closer to him, "Look in eyes Elisa! Look. You can see the truth! You can see that I care! I care about you more than anything else in this world! You've brought me to a point where I don't even care about my life! I dont don't care about my status, about my kingdom, about anything but you! You have taken place in my thoughts for each and every goddamn second! You've changed my heartless heart with something else!

Running Scared Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora