22: Worst Boyfriend Award? Maybe Not.

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He laughed, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "What do you want me to say then? That I love you?"

I felt blush creeping up to my cheeks as my eyes wandered elsewhere but him.

Oh god, can he not be so blunt?

"Are you blushing?" He quirked an eyebrow while I looked down in embarrassment.

He chuckled huskily, kissing each of my red cheeks before stopping a few inches away from my lips.

His eyes flickered back to me with love in them. "I love you, babe."

"I-" I was cut off by his lips as he wrapped my legs around his broad hips.

I gasped, jolting awake for a moment before engrossing myself in the kiss. We began a heated make-out session, neither of us breaking the contact.

Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and pulled away, panting heavily.

His hot breath fanned my neck as he tugged down my sweater to reveal my skin.

Instantly, I shivered at the chilly wind. He seemed to have noticed as he began walking in the direction of the entrance.

He threw me onto the bed, quickly making quick work of his pants as he slid himself inside of me.

I groaned, throwing my head to the back at the size of his.

Even though I was no longer a virgin, it still felt just like my first.

And he was the only man who could make me feel this way.

"Declan." I moaned, feeling his slams against my entrance as he greedily claimed my lips.

"Yes, baby." He whispered against my lips, grunting as he sent one last thrust.

Our release came at the same time, making a mess all over the sheets.

When we came down from our high, he rolled himself out of me and laid down beside me with a yawn in exhaustion.

My eyes noted his sunken eye bags as my thumb brushed past his skin. "Work must have taken a toll on you." I whispered, leaning against his chest.

He sighed, "Handling it by myself is fine, I don't want to tire you."

I looked up almost instantly in surprise, raising my brow. "That's why you have arranged this date?"

He nodded, conjoining his fingers with mine. "You deserve to relax a bit. You haven't been looking well lately."

A smile played on my lips at his words. "I'm surprised you have noticed that." I shrugged nonchalantly even though deep down, I was feeling rejoiced that he has spared a thought for me.

"If I haven't, I will probably be entitled the worst boyfriend ever." I laughed almost immediately, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"It doesn't matter, I love the way it is."


He held onto my hand, walking along the concrete pavement with me.

He has ditched his car, his title, his suit in exchange for a life of an ordinary human being.

It was only for today since it was Friday. But, I didn't mind it at all because he was slowly changing for the sake of me.

My eyes rested on his polo shirt and brown pants, laughing at the sight. It was still funny seeing him wearing this, other than his suit.

His eyes met mine as he raised a brow inquisitively. "What's so funny?"

I shook my head, still in awe at this moment as I finally had a chance to see this version of him.

Not that I have fantasized before, but he should live like an ordinary human being for once.

We entered the supermarket. I grabbed a cart by the side and began pushing it.

He followed by the side, his eyes running through the different shelves.

"What are we getting today?" He asked, turning to look at me while I stared at the ceiling as I pondered through the items.

"Meat." He crossed his arms and raised a brow. "I have no idea where it is."

I rolled my eyes. "You're terrible. It's at the frozen section." I stated, pointing in the direction.

His lips parted, forming an 'o' shape. I chuckled, closing his lips for him before dragging him along with me.

He picked up a packet and showed it to me. "Is this the one?" He asked, raising a brow.

I huffed, a frown formed on my face instantly. "Look closely, it's a fish."

He chuckled huskily, chucking it to one side before picking up another packet which was similar to what I have in mind.

"I know that this is the meat you wanted, I was just fooling around." He winked flirtatiously while my jaws dropped to the ground, speechless at the sight before me.

Were my eyes working properly? Was this a playful version of him?

"Don't you like it?" He asked, pointing at the meat as I snapped out of my reverie.

I shook my head, taking it from him as I placed it on the cart.

"What a cute couple." A woman's voice attracted our attention as we turned to the side to see an old woman and an old man probably in their sixties looking at us.

I watched as Declan nodded, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulled me close to him. "Thank you, I know we are."

Instantly, I rolled my eyes and smacked him, glaring at him at how shameless he was.

"I can't stand you." I tsked under my breath as he barked out a laugh.

"But I know you still love me."


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15th November 2016

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