24: Unknown Savior

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A punch was thrown his way, cracking of knuckles instantly filled the empty walkway.

I tried to pull up the remaining of my dress, covering as much as I can. My teeth clenched tightly as he was continuously being beaten up by my unknown savior.

His back was faced me so I couldn't see properly who it was.

Finally with one last blow, Mr. Anderson was completely knocked out while the man slowly rose.

He turned around, eyes meeting mine as he raked his eyes across my appearance.

My legs trembled with fear as I shivered under his gaze, praying that he was not going to prey on a victim like me.

I had enough of all these bullshit.

He took big steps to approach me while I ended up moving towards the wall until I was cornered with nowhere to run.

I closed my eyes, not exactly anticipating what's to come. I only hoped that someone will help me.

I was suddenly pulled into something warm as a thick material draped across my arms.

Slowly, I peeled my eyes open to see him buttoning up the blazer as his eyes met mine.

"Better?" He asked, tucking strands of hair behind my ears.

I gulped, bobbing my head up and down since I didn't know what to say at this moment.

"I will laundry it and return to you as soon as possible." I whispered, shivering slightly from the light breeze as it sent shivers down my spine.

I was about to leave when he stopped me abruptly. As if on autopilot, I raised a brow in response.

"Hold on, how are you going to return the blazer to me?"

My lips formed an 'o' in realisation. "You can leave your contact on my phone." I said, picking up my phone as I handed it to him.

He simply smiled, showing dimples which made him look kind of cute.

As he entered the buttons, I heard noises from around the corner. Curiously, I took a few steps forward and turned around the corner to see two figures making out in the shadows.

Her skirt swayed as she grinded against the guy who looked so familiar from this distance away.

The guy, however, pushed her away and stepped out of the shadows.

It was Declan, that f*cking bastard.

And he was making out with Mr. Anderson's PA. That b*tchy sl*t.

Fuming in rage, I turned to leave only to see my savior ushering me towards the direction of exit.

I forced a tight smile, walking beside him as we walked down the walkway.

"Babe!" The all too familiar voice chased after me as I felt a tug on my arm. I was turned around and pulled into his arms as his eyes met mine.

"Please hear out my explanation, babe. It's not what you think it is."

I pushed him away with a grunt in frustration. "Shut up, I don't want to hear anything from you." From my baby's father.

My hand rested on my abdomen as I turned around and walked out of the place with my savior who kept silent this whole time.

I felt betrayed, again and again. How many chances was I supposed to give him before it all ran out?

I shouldn't have let him have the chance to hurt me again.

Before I knew it, tears rushed down my cheeks as I sobbed like a lost soul. It was uncontrollable, tears just flowed down with no sense of direction.

An arm was wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into his arms. I stood there, letting him comfort me in this peaceful silence.


He pulled up by the curb, stopping right in front of the lobby. I wiped away my tears, looking towards him with a forced smile.

"Thank you for the ride." I whispered, already losing the will to speak anymore.

"Do you need me to accompany you?" He offered, smiling down at me with the dimples which could have swooned many women at the sight.

However, I was the least interested since I was going through a rough patch right now.

"It's fine, I can be on my own." I said, climbing out of the car as I slammed the door shut.

I walked up the steps just as the door was opened. "Call or text me if you need a listening ear." A husky voice belonging to him erupted from the back as I turned around and smiled, trying not to let it affect me so badly.

"Okay, I will." I replied back, moving towards the direction of the door as tears continued to flow freely.


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3rd December 2016

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