Chapter 7

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"Say, then do you wanna go shopping for those things you need?" Jade's voice interrupted me, and Jordan - seeing my distraction - stole my last mini bag of gummy bears, that he had been trying to steal for the past six minutes.

"Arg Jordan!" I yell and make a grab for the bag, but sadly to no avail seeing as Jordan rips it open and empties the contents into his mouth. He then proceeds to grin at me while chewing the colorful treats rather loudly.

"Eww Jordan! I don't wanna see how you maim my poor bears!" I mumble before shaking my head in defeat and turning to Jade. "As soon as possible. My neighbors wants their pot and pan back and I'm getting tired of using paper towels as a substitute for dishtowels." Jade blinked at me.

"Pot? Pan? That's the kind of things you need?" now it was my turn to blink at her.

"Well yeah. I only just moved and it wasn't included in the apartment. So I need a lot of everyday stuff, pots, pans, plates, cutlery... those kind of things."

"Why don't your parents buy those things? Why do you have to?" Jordan asks, still chewing. I blink again. Didn't I tell them that I live alone?

No you didn't. You have been so busy avoiding the subject of your dead parents that you failed to mention that. Well, I couldn't avoid it any more it seemed.

"I... my parents are dead." Everybody stopped eating, even Britney, to look at me with large eyes. "I didn't wanna go to foster care, so I got a special permit to live alone. My social worker checks in with me once a month or so and I'm given an allowance for food and stuff. But I have to buy appliances and pay the rent myself." I explain.

Silence reign for awhile, until Cade opens his mouth. I have a nasty gut feeling that he's gonna ask about my mom and dad, so I plaster on a tight smile and hurriedly ask "So when would suit you best?"

Camille - you have to love that girl - gets the message faster than the others and swiftly jumps in to save me. "How about next Friday? We can go after school and if it's okay with Cade we can take Jade's and his car."

"How did your parents di-OW!" Cade ends with a howl, reaching down to grab his foot while Jade looks unaffected.

"That won't be a problem." She says. "Cade can get a ride home by one of his friends. This Friday is perfect."

"Why did you do that? I just wanted to know how her pare-AUCH!" his time he grabs his side and look angrily at Jordan. "Did you just pinch me? Why are you all so mean to me?!" he whines and Jordan sighs.

"Come on Britney, let's take dolt to class and explain a few things to him on the way." He doesn't wait for an answer, just gets up and drags a still whining and utterly confused Cade with him. Britney gets up too, quite unwillingly it would seem, and sends an annoyed look my way while she ignores Camille and Jade. I don't know why she sits with us, she clearly doesn't like us and we're not too fond of her either. I think I'm gonna ask the girls.

"She's dating Jordan." Camille explains and my eyes widen astonished.

"Dating? They don't act like any couple I have ever seen." I say.

"All right, dating might not be the word but they're sleeping together and she likes to follow her boy toy of the month around."

"Though I think she's Jordan's toy not the other way around. Jordan knows how she is, but he just can't be bothered to keep her away. As long as she's not too rude to his friends he doesn't mind her being around." Jade explains.

I nod thoughtfully. "Okay so I don't have to tolerate her for the next two years?"

Jade smiles happily. "No. Isn't it great? We're almost rid of her. Jordan is getting bored with her and will kick her out of his bed any day now."

"But... what if she likes Jordan? Like for real?" I ask worriedly. "Then she'll be terribly hurt."

Both of them start laughing. "Oh you sweet, romantic, innocent thing." Jade says and reaches over to pinch my cheek like she's a charmed grandma.

"There's only one guy Britney really likes and that's Liam. And it might just be his daddy's money she likes." Camille says. "Haven't you noticed that while she doesn't like us, she really hates you? It's because of Liam's interest in you. The green eyed monster rears its head when you're around."

I shake my head. "She can have Liam, I'm certainly not encouraging him."

"Doesn't matter whether you do or not, Liam's interested that's enough."

"Wait Liam's actually interested? I thought the starring was just a onetime thing! Why didn't you tell me?" Jade complains, hurt showing clearly in her eyes. I hurry to reassure her and explain about Liam and me.

"What do you mean you want him to leave you alone? It's Liam Paine!" that sounds vaguely familiar.

"Drop it Jade. Caia doesn't want him near her, and as her friends we're gonna help her until she changes her mind." Camille says firmly, leaving no room for arguments.

"Fine, but I want you to know that it's under protest and that I think you should jump his bones and ride him like a cowgirl."

"Noted." I say wryly and take a bite of my sandwich.


Then I get home that day, I decide it's safe to answer Brian.

Me: Hi Bry. I'm good, haven't had a nervous breakdown yet and haven't starved to death either. How's things on ur end?

Brian: Good to know ur coping. Things good here, have a new assign, very hush hush! I'm totally James Bond-ing!

I roll my eyes. At one point, when we were moving location, he dressed up in a tux and said the 'mission' required super secret agent skills, which apparently can only be acquired by dressing as James Bond. I often thought he should have been a comedian, even though he is actually really good at what he does.

Me: Yeah sure, u poor delusional creature... I bet ur sitting in a truck or something eavesdropping on someone

Brian: I'm not at liberty to confirm or deny that ms Jackson but I want u to know that that's also a very Bond-ish thing to do!

Me: Sure, and I'm the king of Narnia

Brian: !!! Your Majesty!! O.o

I fall back on my bed laughing but it's cut short when I receive a new text.

Brian: But seriously everything good?

I hesitate before replying.

Me: I got some friends but... there's this guy who's been after me...

Brian: After?! He's been hurting you?

Me: No not hurting he just won't leave me alone... and he may not be one of God's best children...

Brian: Name?

Me: Liam Paine

I give him Liam's name without hesitation. If I really have a reason to be afraid of Liam, then Brian will warn me and tell me what to do. He's always been good at that.

Brian: I'll look into him until then keep ur distance

Me: I plan to. Good luck with ur assignment.

Brian: Thanks...stay safe Blue Eyes

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