Chapter 33

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A/N: This is the beginning of the end people. One last hurdle before I'll let our two love birds have their HEA...

The next month go on without a hitch. Liam refused to leave my side. He convinced me to allow him to sleep with me at either my apartment or at his manor. He preferred to spent the day at his place and sleep at my apartment, since I refused to do anything with him while under his parents roof.

Our days were spent with school and by night Liam taught me how to please myself and him. Sometimes he would love me sweetly other times he would 'fuck' me as he said himself. I didn't like that word, I preferred making love, but I always liked what he did to me so I let it slide.

We didn't go out. He didn't offer and I didn't ask, since we seem to get in trouble every time we go on a date. Instead we had our friends over, and went to their places a lot. They even came to Liam's manor.

Jade and Camille adored Bernie and their calm, playful present helped me a lot, because my puppy was growing at what I thought was an alarming rate, and sometimes his deep growl would scare me and threaten to bring about a new panic attack. But with skilled help of Winston and the unending support of Liam, I continued to train with Bernie, teaching him every command I could think of and learning to read his body language. Slowly but surely I was tackling my greatest fear, and my heart soared each time Bernie did something right or I reached a milestone in my total recovery.

Liam had jointed a gym as he said he would. Since he wouldn't leave me alone, I spent many hours doing homework or sketching in a stinky room filled with beefy, somewhat arrogant guys. I actually got hit on a few times, but Liam quickly put a stop to that.

The training wasn't helping. For every day that went by I felt the tension in Liam more acutely. He was physically tense all the time, glaring, growling and snapping at everybody and at night, while he was careful not to scare or hurt me, the sex got rougher.

It all culminated two weeks after he joined the gym, when some narcissistic jerk kept coming on to me, even after Liam warned him to stay away. The jerk and Liam got paired in the ring and the jerk must have said something - Liam wouldn't tell me what - to Liam, because as soon as the trainer said go, Liam was across the ring, hitting, kicking and generally pummeling his opponent to the ground. And once he was there Liam didn't stop.

From my usual spot on the floor by the window, I watched, frozen in chock, as the trainer and some of the trainees tried to pry Liam of the jerk, only to get ugly bruises or broken bones of their own for their efforts.

Needless to say Liam was thrown out of the gym.

Turned out to be a blessing in disguise. By coincidence a trainer from another gym had been there, scouting for new talent. He had been impressed with Liam's strength and ferociousness and had invited Liam to join his gym and have him train Liam personally.

Liam agreed to a trial period and when we showed up the next day we were pleasantly surprised. Leroy's gym was smaller than the previous but the air inside was heavy with fierce concentration and determination. These guys weren't there to mess around, they were all focusing intensely on their own training and trainers. I was very impressed by the sheer professionalism the place radiated.

What followed was a grueling workout, where Leroy had Liam go through several training machines, perform a series of kicks and hits, work his arms and legs and much, much more. It was much harder than the workout the other gym had him do, but Liam walked out of there more relaxed than I had seen him in a while.

The next day Leroy presented us with a personalized training schedule and for the next week, Liam went straight to bed after we got home from the gym, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow and only waking up when the alarm clock rang the next morning. Oh yeah, this was enough training for Liam. If I thought the training had been grueling before then it was straight up hellish now. Eventually he got used to it though.

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