Chapter Twenty One.

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Elijah Astor

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Tommy stares at me.

Climbing back on stage, I swing my guitar back over my neck. “Alright, let’s start the song from the beginning.” I decide to ignore Tommy’s staring as I strum my guitar, playing the beginning melodies.

That was until he just kept staring. His eyes literally burned a hole in the back of my head.

Growling, I spun around to face him. “What the hell is your deal?”

“You totally banged her.” Was all he said.

“What?” Luke was suddenly interested in our conversation, looking up from picking at his nails.

I roll my eyes. “I didn’t bang her.” But, that was a lie. Technically, I did, but it didn’t count for anything.

Tommy, once again, wore that stupid smile of his. He stood up from his drums, strolling to stand in front of me. “Dude, you did! Look at you, you’re lying!”

I sneered. “You can’t prove that.”

“You boned Dakota. It’s alright if you did, man. In fact, I sort of wish I were you.”

I was wondering how he even figured out that we did sleep together. Clenching my teeth together, I let out a deep sigh. “What are you going on about?” Sometimes, Tommy has the tendency to just ramble. Sometimes it can be comical, but others it’s just frustrating. Right now, it’s the latter.

“Eli.” Tommy gripped my shoulders, shaking me forcefully back and forth. After a couple of seconds of him doing that and me resisting the urge to punch him senseless, murder him, or something equally as drastic, he sets me still, looking me dead in the eye. “I’m jealous of you.”

I’m positive I’m not going to like this. But, playing along, I sigh just the right amount, and frown. “Why?”

“Because you had sex with Da-“I shush him harshly, slapping a hand over his mouth. Darting my eyes to the bar, I find Dakota isn’t there. I’m thankful she hasn’t heard us. Tommy continues, whispering this time. “You had sex with Dakota Aniston.”

Was this always going to be over my head? “Yes.”

“Seriously?” Tommy roared loudly. He grinned widely, threw his head back and shook his hair vigorously. For what reason? I have no idea. He lifted his head back to face me. “Was she good?”

Glaring at him, I shove him back. “You know, that would be a good question, if I could actually remember it! We were drunk, you dick.”

Luke begins to laugh hysterically. Actually, I forgot he was here until now. Both Tommy and I turn our heads slowly to look at him. His guitar hung off his shoulder as he bent at the waist, holding his stomach as he laughed. Seriously, what is wrong with these two? And why am I friends with them?

“What’s so funny?” I clip my voice tight. I was seriously getting annoyed.

Luke straightens, wiping under his eyes. “Truthfully? Nothing’s funny. You both are just idiots.”

“I’m not the idiot! He’s the idiot!” I yell, throwing an accusing finger toward Tommy.

Luke cocks his head to the side. “Eli, you’re the one who had drunken sex with someone you’re supposed to despise.”

“Well, she’s not as bad as I once thought.” As I came to know more about Dakota, she wasn’t nearly as awful as I set her up to be. I had her stereotyped as the rich, spoiled, popular cheerleader, but she’s more than that. She has actual things going on in her life, and I was surprised to see how well she handles it.

Oh, Dakota.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora