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We get onto the school bus, us being the last ones to get on because we were "enormously" late, we take the seats in the front of the bus because all the back ones are taken. We sit in pairs once again, me sitting next to Melanie this time, Michael sitting with Johnny, Josh sitting with Alicia and Alex sitting with Tasha.

As soon as everyone was on, the bus started its engine and we made our way back to school. "Where were you the whole trip?" I look to the back and see the person I hate the most in my entire life. "On a big adventure where we looked at some of the best paintings in history" I impersonate him and then chuckle to myself making the whole bus laugh as well. Melanie nudges me with her elbow and gives me a look telling me to stop.

"Why do you care where she was, suspenders?"

I always find a way of humiliating him but I know my reasons, sometimes I don't but you know whatever. Mostly it's because he cares too much, he always sticks his nose everywhere, into things that aren't his problems yet somehow he always manages to know. "I was talking to her not to you" he spits back only making me laugh.

The whole bus is looking at us, people at the back of the bus are standing on their feet so they can watch the scene we're making. "I was with them" Melanie speaks up really softly answering his question. "Can I speak to you after?" he replies in a softer voice as well, ignoring the fact that I'm right in front of them.

"Oooohh, suspenders has a crush on Melanie" I say making the whole bus laugh again and they all start singing "Tom and Melanie sitting on a tree, K I S S I N G" Melanie buries her head in her hands from embarrassment.

Suddenly Tom raises his voice from anger, "Yeah? Well it's not like you two haven't been spending a lot of time together!"

"Oh Tommy, it's not like I can't have any girl on this bus" I get up on my feet and start pointing to random girls that were watching. "I can have you, you, you, you, you and you" at this point I grab Melanie by her waist to lift her up from her seat, I bring my lips to hers and start kissing her hungrily. She unexpectedly pulls away and a smirk forms on my face, but when she looks at me she starts shaking her head very slowly, a frown on her face, her eyes not leaving mine.

That's when my smirk starts fading away and she walks to the back of the bus, looking for a spare seat. I sit back down into my seat, processing what just happened.

What did I just do? God, I'm such a dickhead, I always have to mess shit up, I could have known better than to do stupid shit like that. Melanie's not one of them naive girls who'd do anything and would give up literally anything just to hug me or even talk to me- matter of fact get a hi from me or a single a look from me.

Being too lost in my thoughts, I haven't even realised that the bus stopped in front of our school and people were going home already. After talking to Miss Williams in her office we make my way to the car park. Once we dropped of all the boys, Michael drops me off as well, our whole car journey was silent because they knew I was in a bad mood.

"You know you shouldn't have done that" Michael says as he stops the car before my house. "If you like her, go get her back" he says once again taking me by surprise.

"I thought you said-"

"About what I said before... I was wrong" I scowl at his answer and he speaks up again, "I didn't know how you felt but now I do and it's nobody's choice to make but yours. You decide whether you wanna be with her or not and I'm sorry for not understanding you, now I do."

I scoff, "Eve?" I asked him with a smile on my face and he just nods, "Thanks" I say to him and pull the door handle to open the car.

When I get home, I think about what Michael said to me and he's right, it's time for me to stop caring about what others think, whether I "the popular guy" decide to date a nerd, that's my private thing, not anybody elses to care about.

Nerdy Girl Is Not So Nerdy [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now