Team Exploits

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The three friends made their way to the gate.

"Looks like, still no one has found the key." Kirito observed the gate, that was still shut tight. "I wonder what kind of grand quest, we are even looking for."

"I have no idea... but we have completely searched all of the first 4 floors... if we are going to find anything, it will be on the floors lower than that." Alice surmised.

"Then let's continue searching through level 5. If there is any way to find it, it'll be through the process of elimination." Eugeo suggested, as he started to head back the way they came.

"Yeah, okay. It's not like it will open, with us just staring at it." Kirito agreed.

"Well! What are you waiting for?!" Eugeo called out, nearing the other side of the creekbed.

Alice and Kirito immediately followed behind.

"Race ya to the top!" Eugeo challenged.

"Your on!" Kirito broke into an extreme speed.

"Wait! Boys, there's no... hurry..."Alice quickly sighed, before mumbling to herself. "I will just have to use a teleport crystal as always..."

The two boys finally made it to floor 5, taking the scenic route. AKA. Longest route ever! They came to a stop and started panting.

"I can't believe you! It's like... pant... you were shot from a bow!" Eugeo complemented Kirito in his Eugeo kind of way.

"You were pretty fast too! Pant... you had me running... pant... on a higher setting." Kirito admitted.

Their attention suddenly was drawn to a person standing there in front of them.

"How could you both just leave me behind, like that!" Alice scolded. "What took you so long, anyway?! There is no daylight left to explore level 5!"

"What's the hurry? Eager to get through the gate, are we?" Eugeo teased, knowing full well that it is always Alice, reminding them, there is no rush.

"Not really... I just spent the rest of the day, waiting here for you!" Alice was ready the blow a fuse.

"So why didn't you go shopping?" Kirito retorted.

"I didn't know when you would get here, so I needed to be ready when you did." She was becoming a little more agitated, but decided to drop it. "We should find an inn. We will search tomorrow."

"Or we could search right now." Kirito smirked mischievously.

"No way!" Alice panicked.

"Don't tell me, you're afraid of the dark?" Eugeo teased.

"That isn't the reason!" She quickly defended. "It is unwise to be out there at night!"

"She is in denial." Kirito smirked even wider.

"I am NOT!"

The boys laughed.

"Then you can stay where it is safe, we will go and check things out." Eugeo playfully announced, as they were getting ready to turn around to head back towards the field.

"No way, am I letting you go out there on your own. You guys are way too irresponsible! You would be completely lost without me!" She defended.

Kirito raised an eyebrow. "Does that mean, you're coming with us?"


The three of them headed out to the main dungeon, on the current floor.


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