Picking Up the Pieces

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Kazuto was relieved that the hospital that Varina was taken to, was untouched. Kazuto came alone. He was lead to her room and where he approached her.

She was awake, but something was missing from her usual optimistic personality. The gloomy look on her face, should have been expected, since she probably already had a look outside at the chaos.

Kazuto was just happy to hold onto anything important right now, for he didn't know what he had left. There was too much chaos to think about, the only way he could cope, was to not think about it. "You're awake."

Vari stared at him gloomily, "I wish I wasn't, then this would be just a nightmare."

"Things are never going to be the same. But... if we stick together, things will hopefully get better." Kazuto figured he might try to be optimistic for her.

That didn't go unnoticed by Varina. "Careful, you are going to start sounding like me."

"You make that sound like a bad thing." Kazuto mustered a smile.

"Kazuto...?" Her face turned a bit red. "If things can return to being sort of normal... then maybe...?" Varina felt her heart beating so fast.


"W-We could be m-more?" Vari turned more red.

Kazuto's eyes turned a bit heavy. "I'm sorry, I led you on Vari... but I-I..."

"I get it. Your heart already belongs to Asuna." Varina felt a bitter tear fall down her cheek, despite her sympathetic smile.

"I plan to marry her for real, one day."

"So, what are you waiting for? There is no time, like the present." Vari was trying to be a supportive friend, not that she was always the best at it.

"There are somethings, I need to do first." Kazuto was withholding something from her, that clearly pained him, so she decided not to press it.

Varina remained silent.

Kazuto pulled out a letter from his normal jacket pocket. "This was a letter addressed to both of us. It is from your father. Shall I read it?"

Varina nodded.

He opened the letter and started to read it.

"My dearest Varina.

I just want you to know, that I'm sorry. I spent my time being angry with the people, who took the people we love, away from us. I let that consume me, and all I could think about was getting even and getting the ones we lost back, too. I should have spent this time, being happy with the people, I still had. I should have been the father you deserved. I hope you can forgive me, so that we can be a family again. But for now, it is probably best, that I let you live your life. I am leaving you my fortune and the company. I did everything I could to clear its name, before I left it to you. It will be difficult, but I know that you will be able to build the business back up, in time. I know this will not make up for what I did, but I think you will be a better Business owner, than I ever was. I know you will make me proud.

And Kazuto,

I haven't done anything right by you. I never could understand why my daughter cared about you so much, but I think I get it now. You were there for her and she found family in the most unlikely places. I know you will never forgive me, but I would like to do my best to make it up to you, anyways. If you will accept it, I would like you to be the CEO of my daughter's company..." Kazuto stared blankly for a moment. "CEO? Me?"

Varina just smiled at him. "Keep reading!"

Kazuto didn't hesitate. "Also, I have given you full access to my systems. I have given you in this box, everything you will need to create the AI for Yui. Someone that important, I would assume you know her program, inside and out. But if you do need help, you will know where to find me. Please help my daughter, she will need people like you, to support her and encourage her, the way that I should have been there for her. It's asking a lot, but I know, she will appreciate it. If you're ever interested, I would like to share everything I have learned about Augmented Reality with you. If there is anyone, who could bring Augma back, it's you. I hope you will be up to the task.

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