The Mysterious Man

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Clara thought traveling with the Doctor was fascinating. It kept her on her toes and opened up a whole galaxy for her, literally. And the running. Oh, the running. There was a rush that came with it that no one could turn down.

That was most days. 99.99% of the days she had spent on the T.A.R.D.I.S. Then there were other days. She didn't have them often, but sometimes there were just days where the Doctor looked at her like she was a mystery to be uncovered.

The look he gave her some days was just unnerving. It could get under anyone's skin. That was the day she was having.

Eating breakfast at a cafe in Paris could be great, if that look he gave her from the counter wasn't there. He thought she didn't notice, but she did.

Clara looked away from the counter the Doctor was buying French pastries from and took a sip of her tea.

For being in Paris, it was so very British to wish her problems away with tea.

The Doctor ran up to their table, arms filled with French breads and other foods. He no longer had his unnerving, mystery solving look on his face. He was smiling at his companion.

"Aren't the names of French pastries fun to say?" The Doctor told Clara like it was the best thing in the universe.

"I guess so." Clara offered, giving him a smile back.

"Croissant." The Doctor said in a horrible French accent. He repeated it several times as Clara held back her laughter.

"What's so funny?" The Doctor asked.

Clara took another sip of her tea. "You." She put down the cup.

"Me?" The Doctor seemed surprised.

"Yeah, you." She confirmed. She stood up knowing they were leaving soon. "With your bow tie, and your suspenders, and lets not even mention your horrible French accent."

"It's not that bad." He defended himself.

"Keep telling yourself that, Chin Boy." Clara smiled and walked away from the table.

The big blue police box stood just outside of the cafe. Clara entered the box with a smile, but no sooner did it fade away. A man stood in front of the console. He was very, very tall, with long brown hair, and he wore flannel. The strangest part about him - apart from the fact that he just appeared in the T.A.R.D.I.S - he had cuts and scrapes all over him.

"Where am I?" He asked. Definitely American.

"What are you doing in the T.A.R.D.I.S.?"

"I have no idea." He seemed really confused, but his mind seemed to wander elsewhere. For a man that had just been randomly taken from wherever he was, he seemed incredibly calm.

"Doctor." Clara called.

"One moment Clara, I'm just very hungry."

"Doctor!" She called much louder.

The Doctor walked up to the entrance of the T.A.R.D.I.S holding dozens of French pastries. "What is....." His voice trailed on when he saw the man by the console. "Who's this?" The Doctor asked. He set the Croissants down on the console.

"No bloody idea." Clara replied.

The Doctor stepped further into the time machine puzzled by their new guest. "How'd you get here?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." The man said.

"You seem calm." Clara butted in.

"Mind's on other things."The man answered, "I need to get back to the Blue Leaf hotel in Vegas. Now." The man seemed generally worried about something. Whatever it was it was important to him. He tried to leave the T.A.R.D.I.S, but the door closed and the machine crashed.

The trio held onto the edge of the console while the T.A.R.D.I.S moved. Finally, the trip stopped with a loud sound.

"What he hell was that?" The man asked.

"That," the Doctor began, "was very bad." Everyone could tell how bad it was. The lights went out, it was hard to see.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

The Doctor walked over to him. "I'm the Doctor." The Doctor held out his hand, but the man didn't take it. "And that's Clara." The Doctor pointed at his companion, who waved.

"Who are you?" Clara asked the million dollar question.

"Sam." He seemed honest enough.

"Okay, Sam." The Doctor told him, "What were you doing before you appeared here?"

Sam took a few seconds before responding. "I was watching a magician's act in Vegas."

"At the Blue Leaf Hotel?" Clara offered.

Sam nodded. "Yep, didn't want to miss the ending. My bro-" He cleared his throat, "My friends would be worried about me."

Clara and the Doctor exchanged looks. Sam had obviously tried to say brother instead of friends, but they decided to ignore it. "Let's see where we are." The Doctor changed the subject.

"Good idea." Clara added.

"How could we be somewhere different?" Sam wondered, "We obviously moved, but how?"

"That's a bit...complicated." The Doctor moved his hands as he talked. "This is a time machine and spaceship, it's called the T.A.R.D.I.S. That stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space-"

"We travel the universe saving planets and people." Clara interrupted.

They took a moment to let that sink in for Sam. "Not the craziest thing that's happened to me."

"Really?" The Doctor pondered aloud.

"You'd be surprised how screwed up my life is." Sam told him with a smirk.

They walked outside of the machine together. The trio looked around themselves. They were on the side of a street in London. "London?" Clara questioned, "Why are we back here?"

"We're not back." The Doctor's voice sounded like a whisper when he spoke.

"It looks like we're back." Clara stated.

"It does." Sam agreed.

"Look at the papers." The Doctor advised them. He picked up a newspaper and handed it to Clara and Sam.

"Consulting Detective Sherlock Holmes and his partner John Watson solve yet another case..." Sam read off of the newspaper. "Sherlock Holmes?"

"John Watson?" Added Clara.

"Exactly." The Doctor said, "This isn't our London, we're in another universe."

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