A Study In Plaid

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"Again." Sam muttered under his breath. He was stuck in another universe. Again.

"What was that?" The Doctor turned towards him.

"Nothing." He lied, "I didn't say anything." I just hope I'm not an actor in this one, he thought.

The Doctor turned back towards Clara when she began speaking. "So Sherlock Holmes is real here?" She wondered aloud.

"I need to meet him." The Doctor said, his voice filled with wonder.

What about my brother? Sam wanted to say. He was worried about Dean. He was stabbed in the stomach about an hour ago, and the Doctor said he had a time machine so it could have been longer.

Dean could be dead. The possibility made Sam crazy.

"Sam." Clara snapped her finger in front of his face. "Earth to Sam."

Sam finally snapped back to reality. "Hm?"

"I said, let's go don the street to find out where we are. It looks like our universe with some differences, so we should know where we are soon enough."

"Good idea." Sam told her.

He saw that Clara knew he was distracted. "Are you alright?"

"Fine." Sam replied with the best fake smile he could make at the moment.

The Doctor, Clara, and Sam walked down the not-so-crowded street, looking for a sign of where they were.

"Where are all the people?" The Doctor wondered.

"Beats me." Sam told him, "Maybe it's not crowded int his dimension."

"Traffic seems to disagree." Clara pointed out.

The Doctor shrugged and changed the subject. "Sherlock Holmes." He was in awe, "Out of all the people to exist, Sherlock Holmes."

Clara stopped in her tracks, which made Sam and the Doctor stop behind her.

"Clara what's wrong?" The Doctor asked.

Clara pointed across the street. "You wanted to know where all of the people were."

A huge group of people had swarmed around crime scene tape. Naturally, Sam, the Doctor, and Clara walked over to the crime scene.

Immediately, the group was stopped in front of the crime scene tape. "Sorry, I can't let you though."

The Doctor reached into his jacket pocket for what looked like an ID. The man at the crime scene put down the hand he was using to stop them.

The way the man treated the Doctor like he showed him the Medal of Honor puzzled Sam. The paper the Doctor held up was blank.

"Blimey, why are you investigating this?" The man gestured to the crime scene.

"We were in town." The Doctor answered with a slight smile.

"Detective Greg Lestrade." The man introduced himself.

"What happened here?" Sam interrupted. Even though he wasn't wearing the suit, he tried his best to act like he was from the FBI or somewhere of importance.

"That's the thing," Lestrade explained, "we don't know. One minute the man was walking down the street, the next he takes out a knife and stabs the person next to him. To add to the crazy, he cut his own neck and fell to the ground afterwards."

"Gruesome." Clara described it.

"Was there anything left at the crime scene?" Sam added.

"Sulfur." Greg told him, "We've got no idea why."

Sam knew why. They were dealing with a demon. A murderous demon in another universe. Just what his already horrible day needed.

"Hopefully Sherlock can tell us everything." Greg told them. The Doctor piped up. "He'll have the case solved in five minutes, make us all look like idiots." Greg smiled, "If he'll ever get here."

As if on cue, a cab pulled up by the curb. The crowd cleared a slight path for two men. A tall man lifted up the crime scene tape, while the other man walked under it. The tall man had a long, black trench coat on, which made Sam think of Cas. He wore a blue scarf around his neck, and walked as if he owned the place.

"This is Sherlock Holmes." Lestrade introduced them.

The Doctor's smile grew so wide. "Sherlock Holmes." Sam heard him whisper in awe.

Sam hid it well, but he was pretty excited to meet Sherlock Holmes. He read all of the books when he was younger, but something told Sam those didn't exist here. The books were set from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. This was the twenty-first century, and Sherlock Holmes looked about thirty.

A shorter man had followed Sherlock out of the cab, wearing a short, black jacket and a sweater underneath. "John Watson, I presume." The Doctor addressed. Sam couldn't imagine the Doctor's smile getting larger, but it did.

"You've read my blog then?" John replied.

"Yes." The Doctor answered awkwardly. He probably didn't expect John Watson to have a blog. "I've read your blog. That's why I know you."

Sherlock was already examining the body of the murderer. "John this is not the time or the place to discuss your blog."

Sam went over by Sherlock where the body of the John Doe was. "You know his name?" Sam asked.

"What importance does that have to the case?" Sherlock didn't even look at Sam.

"None, you just might want to question the family." Sam needed to know who he was to find out when he was possessed.

Sherlock looked at Sam as if studying him, which he probably was. He was Sherlock Holmes. Sam was nervous that Sherlock would see right though his lies, but he simply said, "Harvey Duncan, lives at 1906, Cedar Dr."

Sam was impressed. He figured that all out in a matter of seconds. "How do you know that?"

"I looked at his business card." Sherlock held it up, "He was a lawyer." Sherlock handed Sam the card.

Sam nodded as Sherlock got up and whistled for a cab. "Where are you going?" John asked his partner.

"To his home, coming?" John hopped in the cab with Sherlock. The cab pulled away immediately.

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