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"I don't know how I feel about this," I said sheepishly, pulling the bottom of Mara's borrowed shirt over my belly button.

"Don't do that!" She exclaimed, slapping my hand away, "you're going to stretch it out. Anyway, you look great!"

"You sure it's not too much?" I asked, glancing at myself again in Mara's mirror.

Mara scrunched up her nose in amusement, "you'll fit right in, trust me."

I studied my reflection closely. Mara and I had spent nearly half an hour finding something for me to wear. As most of my clothes were wrinkled or still packed away, she had insisted on letting me borrow something of hers. Usually, I would have no problem with this. But considering the fact that I had been eating take-out regularly for the past five months with very little physical activity, I was feeling a bit more self-conscious than usual.

"We should get going soon," Mara stated, glancing down at her cell phone. She had informed me that the party began at 9 o'clock. Considering the Turk's beach house was only just down the street, and arriving on time would be considered "social suicide", Mara and I had agreed to leave half an hour later than when Luke had told us to arrive.

"Alright," I replied, taking one more quick glance in the mirror, "I'll go find a jacket and meet you outside."

I walked into my bedroom, quickly searching through my duffle bag and retrieving a dark green jacket. Shrugging it on as I went, I made my way downstairs and out the front door, bidding a quick farewell to my dad and Caroline.

"Cute jacket!" Mara exclaimed as I exited the house, "next time, we raid your closet."

"Deal," I agreed, following Mara out the door.

The Turk's beach house looked like something straight out of HGTV. Although it was already dark by the time we had arrived, I could tell that the home's lawn was kept in mint condition – I presumed that the inside of the house looked just as good and that it took the work of several hired professionals to maintain its' upkeep. Especially if Jake regularly held parties such as the one tonight.

The back porch of the home was already packed by the time Mara and I arrived. As we approached a group of people whom I assumed to be Mara's friends, my stomach began to do nervous flips. It had felt like ages since I had attended a high school party, let alone a gathering in which I virtually knew no one.

"Hey Mara," a man said, pulling her into a hug and glancing over at me. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Frank's daughter, Danielle," She told the group. I smiled sheepishly, greeting everyone.

"Cool," the guy smiled, "you moved here from...Iowa?"

"Illinois," I corrected, glancing over at Mara, "I didn't know me moving here was such an occasion."

"We live in a small town," a girl with short brown hair and bangs interjected, "news travels fast."

"Duly noted," I smirked, glancing past the group towards the large bonfire burning near the beach. Just past the fire pit was what looked to be a dully lit guest house.

"I'm going to go get a drink," Mara announced, "would you like one?"

I nodded my head silently. Mara glanced in the direction of her friends, who all shook their heads or pointed down towards their already filled cups. Without another word, she left, forcing me to face this group of strangers alone. As they all participated in their own individual conversations, I glanced down at my outfit and self-consciously tugged at the hem of the shirt.

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