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"You almost ready, Danielle?"  Mara called from the other side of the door.  I glanced at myself once more in the mirror before slipping on my winter coat and opening my bedroom door.

"Does this look alright?"  I asked my friend, pulling self-consciously on my cream colored sweater.

"Yes,"  Mara nodded, adjusting the winter hat on her head.  "Casual enough to look like you're not trying hard, but cute enough to stop your ex-boyfriend dead in his tracks on the odd chance that we do end up seeing the douchebag."

I looked at Mara nervously, "Is it that obvious?"

"Northeastern is a huge school, Danielle," Mara stated matter-of-factly.  "The odds of you seeing that prick has to be a million to one."

I sighed heavily as we exited our apartment, "I know, you're right.  I just don't want him to know I'm struggling with this, y'know?"

Mara nodded understandingly, unlocking the doors to her Jeep Patriot.  I climbed into the passenger's seat, reaching across the dashboard to turn on the radio.

"You don't mind if we pick Mason and Saul up on our way there, do you?"  Mara asked casually, pulling out of her parking space and onto the road.  

"N-no, not at all."  I said quietly, turning my face to glance out the window.

"You sure?"  She asked in amusement, "Because your face turned the color of your scarf as soon as I mentioned Mason."

"It's just hot in here,"  I said pathetically.  "I already told you, there's nothing happening between us.  I haven't even talked to him since the night of the party."

"Trust me, I know."  Mara muttered under her breath.  I glanced at her wordlessly, too embarrassed to say anything more.

Soon enough, we had reached the familiar blue house.  Mara pulled into the driveway before hastily pulling the keys out of her ignition.

"I'm going to go grab them, wait here."  Mara instructed, hopping down from her vehicle.  I waited until she had disappeared through the front door before unbuckling my seatbelt.  Opening the passenger side door, I jumped from my seat and onto the slick pavement.  The cold air burned my cheeks; I hurried my way to the back of the vehicle and quickly jumped in.  A few moments later, Mara returned with Mason and Saul following close behind.

"You didn't have to move to the back, Danielle."  Mara said as she opened the driver's side door.  

"It's fine,"  I said casually, pretending to busy myself with my cell phone.  "I don't mind."

The door on my left swung open, allowing the brisk winter wind to enter into the vehicle.  Almost as soon as Mason entered the Jeep, the intoxicating mixture of his cologne and cigarettes permeated throughout the back seat.  

"Hey,"  Mason murmured, slamming the door shut behind him.  Mara and Saul were distractedly conversing in the front.  I glanced up from my phone and fell prey to Mason's icy blue eyes.  A small smile played across his lips as he situated himself in his seat.  "I didn't know you were a hockey fan."

"Huge fan,"  I replied sarcastically.  Mason laughed shortly - the sound sent my stomach into a frenzy of swirls.  

Snap out of it, Dani, I thought to myself.  

"So,"  Mason tore me away from my thoughts.  "Are you planning on holding that sweatshirt of mine hostage?  It is one of my favorites."

My cheeks turned pink.  "No, I'm really sorry about that.  Things have just gotten...busy."

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