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I ran as fast as I could, ramming my body against the wooden cage door that was keeping locked up. The door didn't budge from my hard force, it only popped my shoulder causing pain. I yelled in frustration and defeat as I leaned against another side of the wooden cage, sliding down to the floor and burying my head in my hands. I had been trying and failing to escape for twelve hours and made zero progress. I should have known that those men did something to me whenever they captured me when I was searching for Alexandra...


Trudging through the dense leaf-covered forest, I took my finest men to search for my dear Alex. I had been thinking too much lately... Thoughts of never finding her, or finding her cold dead body out in these chilly woods. There were millions of bad things that could happen to her.

We kept walking through the woods for days, only stopping to eat and sleep. I hadn't slept. I couldn't sleep knowing she was out there, alone. I had spent every night worrying for my little puppy.

We continued our trek through the leaves when one of my men growled, signaling there was something close by. We all formed a small circle, ready for whatever was approaching. I heard footsteps of multiple people that were slowly closing in on our position. Suddenly the footsteps all stopped.

We all looked around cautiously. I look in the direction where I heard the footsteps and I see a lime greenish fog approaching my small group of five men.

"Sir do you see-"

"-Yes." I cut him off. I stared at the greenish fog with curiosity. "Let's move. Don't go towards the fog, it could be dangerous." I warned as I turned the opposite direction taking a step then stopping in my tracks. There was more green fog in that direction too. I did a 360 turn, observing all the fog around us that was now closing in.

"Uh.. sir." One of my men said anxiously.

"Run through the fog. Try not to breathe it if you can, but the fog is thick. Run as fast as you can. Go go!" I ordered as I watched my men disperse like ants, racing through the thick green fog. They made it twelve steps before they began to drop to the ground unconscious like flies. I stood still, still breathing the fresh air from the small circle that was about to be covered in green fog.

I pulled my shirt up to my nose and raced through the lime green fog. As I ran, my skin absorbed the toxic air, causing my running to slid and my legs weakened. My eyes fought to stay open as I pushed as hard as I could to keep running. My run became a jog and then a walk until finally, I collapsed to my knees in defeat. I fell to the leafy ground, unable to move. My eyes became heavy, threatening to stay closed every time I blinked. I looked around to see all of my men collapsed as I was. I then heard footsteps approaching the edge of the fog. I saw men with cloths over their noses, protecting them. One of them pressed a button on a high-tech watch, causing the thick lime fog to vanish. One of the men then examined the unconscious men laying limply on the ground. His eyes scanned until they met with mine. He gave an evil smile before striding over to my weak body. He crouched down and chuckled.

"Don't fight the effects, just give in already." He spoke deeply.

"He's a strong one." One of the men commented before he and another man started grabbing the sleeping bodies of my men.

"He is indeed. We can use that." He smirked then looked back down at me and then he punched me, knocking me out cold.

Next thing I knew, I was waking up on a large exam table with my hands in cuffs on either side of me. I struggled against the cuffs, trying to escape. I looked around, surveying the room I was in. It was a small dark stone room with a small table full of pointy tools used for extraction. I winced at the thought of those tools being put into use. The only door in the small room opened abruptly and the same man from earlier entered with a young woman. She was slim and wore a white lab coat over her simple green shirt and jeans. They walked over to me, each placing themselves on a different side of me. The man to my right smiled

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