Love, maybe?

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Ron's POV

I walked down the hall to the snack cart, and i saw Pansy Parkinson. She looked amazing! I hadn't told anyone, not even Harry, but i

had always fancied her. She was just walking away when i decided to say something, i was still heartbroken and i really just wanted

Hermione back. "Pansy?" I asked. "What do you want Weasley?" She snapped, "Well I was just wondering if, you know, if you wanted

to go to Hogsmeade with me?" I stuttered, "With a slight smirk she turned and said, "7 sharp, and don't be late!"

My heart was floating all the way to Hogwarts, that's when I found Hermione. She ran up to me and hugged me, "Im so sorry Ron, I

never should have done that." she cried. "it's fine Hermione, I found someone else, have a nice time with Malfoy." he turned and left.

Hermione's POV

I ran into the forbidden forest and started screaming. I had lost him forever! This couldn't be happening! I fell to the ground as tears

spilled from my eyes. Draco came up behind me and held me close. I was sobbing so hard! He whispered ever so softly, "I love you

Hermione." I waited a minute and sat up. As I sorted through my thought's i realized after all this time it's Draco who is here for me. As

i took a deep breath, and held him close, i replied," I love you too Draco." and then he kissed me, it was better than the kiss in the

meeting room. and i melted into him, he loved me and I loved him. "Come on Hermione, we better go in now." Draco said as he carried

her bridal style, into their dorm. Everything was going to be alright.

Forever and Always (Dramoine)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora