What will I choose?

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Hermione's POV

What is going on? First I loved Ron, now I love Draco, then Blaise kisses me and now i'm completely confused! I collapsed as soon as

Blaise walked out. I expected Draco to follow Blaise but instead he came over and held me. He picked me up and carried me back to the

common room. The moment we got in there I noticed that he was pissed. His cheeks were red and his beautiful eyes were glazed with

tears. "What's the matter Draco?" I asked trying to sooth him. "What's the matter, what's the matter you ask. Well I'm not sure if you

have noticed but on the first day back in Hogwarts I have already lost you, got you again and now i'm to find out that my best friend is

also after you! And somehow I know that fate isn't going to let me have you!" He let the tears go and i ran and hugged him. How wrong

he was. Half of me wanted to go with Blaise, but I loved Draco. And I wasn't about to let him go anytime soon. I got on my tiptoes and

whispered in his ear, "I love you Draco and I'm not going anywhere." He leaned down and kissed me, it was short and salty from his

tears, but i knew he needed it so I would be there for him.

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