04 ‖ The Desk Lady

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"Larissa Fable

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"Larissa Fable. I like the name. It's a beautiful name, don't you think? In fact, it's going to be the name of my next girlfriend. Right, duckling?" Dominic flirts for the billionth time now and winks at me.

Weirdly enough, he could make anything that rolled off his tongue sound attractive and seductive.

He could be hurling an endless list of vulgarities at someone and the person would probably think that he is trying to court them.

"When is your funeral then? Forget the name. After all, you'll only get a girlfriend if you can find one in hell." I grin complacently at my comeback.

Unfortunately, Dominic being who he is, ignores what I say and continues to flirt. "You make anything sound beautiful duckling. Come on, say Dominic."

"I'm not good with names, do you mind if I call you idiot?" I take a quick glance at him with innocent eyes before refocusing my attention back on the professor who is evidently bored from teaching. 

He is simply reading every word off the slides in a monotonous manner as if we cannot already read for ourselves.

"You already want to start off with nicknames? Definitely no complaints from me, duckling. However, don't you think the nickname 'idiot' doesn't exactly fit such a handsome face like mine? After all, I have been told countless of times that my good looks are considered a sin. Why not try babe?" Dominic smirks and I cannot help but roll my eyes at him.

Sometimes, I truly wonder if my eyes would get stuck at the back of my head considering how often I am rolling my eyes at him.

Concluding that our one-sided banter and one-sided flirting would never end, I decided to turn a deaf ear to whatever comments Dominic had.

Of course, Dominic does not give up and tries persistently to grab hold of my attention but to no avail. Thankfully, he eventually gives up after realising that I am completely focused on the slides and decides to chat with a girl who is sitting behind us.

However, I could not help but overhear their conversation. I cannot be blamed for eavesdropping. After all, I had ears and they were just nearby. If they wanted the conversation to be confidential, they could have just written a note and passed it around instead.

Just when the girl is about to ask Dominic to crash at her place, the bell rings. Luckily, we are dismissed, saving me from the torment that I would have been put through if I had listened to another one of their gruesome pickup lines. 

I honestly wished that I was kidding but sad to say, their entire conversation only consisted of pickup lines. It had absolutely no value or meaning. 

Here, let me sum up their conversation of horrendous pickup lines for you.

"I'd give you a cigarette but you're already smoking hot." Dominic grins at the girl who is clearly flattered. 

She plays it off coolly as though it is not a big deal when truthfully if it wasn't for the fact that they were in the middle of class, she would have already connected their lips.

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