13 ‖ The Cherry Farm

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"He loves you, he loves you not

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"He loves you, he loves you not. He loves you, he loves you not. Oh wait, there's half a petal left. So let's just assume that he loves you," Noah plucks out the last petal on the flower and I let out a soft chuckle at his naivety.

After we had arrived yesterday, Casimir and I had tried to convince Noah for the entire day that we are not in a relationship. However, he is still somehow convinced that we are either not telling the truth or that one day, we will become a couple and to which, he will have his 'I told you so' moment.

"Once again Noah, Casimir and I are just friends. To be honest, we might not even be considered friends. He's simply a client and I am just his bodyguard. Besides, the princess is missing and we don't exactly have the luxury of time to ponder over relationships." I break it to him, smiling softly.

"Flowers never lie. Plus, I don't really understand why you are both so caught up in the princess' abduction case. The kidnappers would probably release her soon enough, once they realise that one, she is evil and two, holding the princess hostage brings them no benefit. I doubt anyone even cares or realises that she is missing besides her family. I mean look at the news, there isn't even a single article about her going missing. Her family probably doesn't even care much considering how the media isn't even informed yet. The only way to know is by word of mouth. Honestly though, if a village like us doesn't even appreciate her visit. What more do you expect from the kingdom they actually govern?" Noah pauses for a second but it seems to have dawned on him that he was bad-mouthing the princess and he instantly tries to salvage the situation.

"I did it again, I'm so sorry. I just have a problem with rambling on and on. Please don't tell the prince about what I just shared with you. I know he was once in a relationship with the princess and I don't know what he might do if he finds out that I had spoken ill of her." Noah pleads nervously, creases forming on his forehead.

"Don't worry, I won't." I assure him.

Though I cannot deny that I am truly taken aback. Not by Noah's bluntness but rather by what he had said about the princess.

Most people probably wonder how terrible could she have been for her to be hated to such an incomprehensible extent.

Yet, I cannot help but struggle to believe in all the rumours about her.

Is she truly terrible or just misunderstood?

After all, Casimir did love her. Or maybe, still does.

Of course, I am probably not the best person to judge but from just our past interactions, I doubt that Casimir would fall for someone who is 'evil'. As bad as the gossips are about him, to me at the very least, he is far from the kind of heir his citizens portray him to be.

I always believe that it is impossible to love evil. However, is it even possible for anyone to be born evil?

Perhaps evil is just being misunderstood. Who's to say that the misunderstood are not deserving of love?

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