♪ Chapter 7 ♪

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A/N: To every chinese out there, Happy Lunar New Year. 恭喜发财! And to my readers, thanks for sticking with me. I love ya guys 😙


After my little or not so little talk with Rian, I went to class. I was five minutes late but I luckily escaped by saying I was a little lost. Classes were normal after that too. Lunch was.... weird so to speak. There were more eyes on me, probably because of what happened in math no doubt. News of me being scouted by Henry was probably circulating the student body.

I even had a few instances where people actually came up to ask me if I really was. All I could do was nod. I had no idea what they planned to do after I answered so I nodded only. You could say I was paranoid. After English, I had lunch then chemistry, biology and physics then lastly history. I was curious about P.E. so I managed to ask one nice looking girl in my last class about it when she said P.E. here was literally our training times with our coaches.

That made me wonder more. Henry surely had other students so why was he spending a lot of time teaching me? The whole thing confused me and all I wanted to do was put my head on my pillow and sleep or have a nice warm bath but I had training again.

Henry made me do the same sets I did in the morning and then sent me off with my body aching and muscles burning. I wouldn't be surprised if I had abs in a few weeks. Although, I was never a fan of girls having them. To me, they just looked weird on our petite bodies. (NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE! DONT GET MAD BUT THIS IS JUST A BOOK.)

This time round though, Terrence and Hunter weren't there. There were many others training though. I couldn't help but feel disappointed at the lack of Hunter training. I knew it was the mate bond but I still felt it.

Hunter. Shadow Moon pack. So he was the son of the alpha who was gone for so long. To think he was my second chance mate when his beta was my first. How odd. At first, I was numb about it but now..., I felt dread. Would he bash him in. It wasn't his wolf's fault but his human's. In a way, I felt excited. I wanted him to watch all of this with a frown on his face. I wanted to show him I did it. I shook my head from hose thoughts. They would get me nowhere.

I was sitting in the music room, mindlessly pressing on keys to create the weirdest and worst sounds I could because I just couldn't concentrate on reading the music notes. I had already eaten and had a long shower earlier so my hair was dripping. I would probably catch a cold but oh well.

Suddenly, I remembered Mr Woods and how I played Ave Maria at his shop. The urge to replay the song was great until I finally gave in and allowed my fingers to press the keys of the familiar tone. My eyes clised as my fingers worked on their own, already used to the keys and their positions. My body swayed with the music as I hoftly hummed with it until the door slammed open.

I yelped and my fingers stopped. My head snapped to the door to see an angry Hunter walk into the room. His nostrils flared then his eyes turned to look at me. "Mate." He growled running at me. I only had time to blink before I was in his arms with his nose buried in my hair at the nape of my neck. His warm breaths were tickling my neck and I so badly wanted to laugh. It was ticklish.

Once he was relaxed and his body no longer tense and stiff, he got off me and backed away a few steps as if I had burned him. I guess in a way, I had. I looked up at him under my lashes as he openly stared at me in shock. My wolf chortled in laughter at our mate. I couldn't keep it in and chuckled a few times. Hunter's eyes narrowed at me. I bit my lip which dragged his eyes down to them. I watched as swirls of black clouded his hazel eyes. My eyes widened as I realised what was happening. Quickly, I stopped biting my lip and turned to the piano which I suddenly found very interesting.

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