♪ Chapter 34 ♪

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Maddy's POV

It was a funny thing, life, that is. It hurts and causes so much sadness yet so much happiness. I remembered the exact moment my mother left me. I remembered how she looked. So much different from how she did when I met her the other day. I guess a decade of captivity does that to a person. I remembered what she told me that day. That she will always protect me. And that I would be safe. I remembered seeing blood and tears.

 At six, I doubt I understood what was happening. But even my tiny brain knew that something was wrong. Because I had started to cry. The next thing I remember was men in black separating us. She cried out my name while I screamed and cried for her. I remember feeling a prick in my neck before everything turned black. 

I woke up a few days after that at this exact facility. I remembered seeing Penn and... the headmaster. He must be the one behind all this. I remembered my mother arguing, begging, crying and screaming. I don't remember what for but I remember her hugging me after.


Ah. When they took me to the labs. I remember feeling needle pricks, I remember the huge injections, the amount of blood they took from me. I remembered the huge computer at the front with a body projected. This went on for a few days until one day I was brought into the labs. I remember my mother screaming and kicking but they knocked her out. I remember the doctor injecting me with something and then, I woke up in Hunter's pack.

I gasped when I felt someone slap me. Blinking my eyes, I looked up to see several eyes including the one I want to see for the rest of my life when I wake up first thing in the morning. I tried to smile but I think it came out as a grimace when I felt the throbbing in my head. It took a second for the pain in my leg to kick in. I bit my lip to stop from screaming out. Gritting my teeth, I mumbled "The headmaster..." to which they nodded solemnly. I swallowed. 

"We need to get you medical attention asap." Tanner commented from his position by my injured leg. 


"Sweetheart, your leg is torn apart. You need to heal." Hunter cut me off. I glared at him. 

"Yeah and while I'm on my ass doing that, you might die."

He tsked. "Baby, please, we can't concentrate on fighting if we worry about you." He replied. I frowned. He made sense but I wanted to witness the battle too! 

"You're not healing fast. Your wolf shoule be able to heal faster." Rian added.

"They drugged me earlier.." I glanced to my mother. She nodded.

"It should subside in a while but until then, you'll be in a lot of pain. The boys are right, you need medical attention." She sighed. "The wound could get infected then we'd have to amputate it then you'd have one less leg..." She frowned. 

See, I could tell she was guilt tripping me. And I would definitely agree with what she's saying, normally. However, now is not a normal time. I would very much like to be on the battleground with everyone. I hesitated. 

"Nice to see you bunch doing okay." A familiar voice called out. I turned my head to see Alpha Meyer running over to two wolves fighting against five. I nodded with a small smile. "Better get to it, Alphas!" He smiled before shifting. 

"Baby.." Hunter sighed. That's when I gave in.

"Alright alright! Bring me back." I pouted. 

"Good, I'll see you later." He kissed my forehead before getting up. "Keep her safe." He told the warrior who was  standing behind me quietly.

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