Chapter 53 ~ For Me?

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Elena's POV

I wake up to the smell of freshly cooked bacon. The memories from yesterday came rushing back as I stare at the plain white ceiling. My stomach grumbles loudly telling my brain to get off my lazy butt and go downstairs. Walking into the bathroom to freshen up, I see a yellow sticky note stuck to the mirror.

Good morning Cutie,

Come down stairs. Breakfast awaits you.

I smile at Tyler's sloppy handwriting. The stairs feel like forever as my tiny legs go down them. Jeez, I need to work out more. "Hey there Cutie, have a seat," Tyler exclaims pulling out a chair for me.

"Thank you," my raspy morning voice attempts to escape my lips. I watch his every move as he reaches into the cupboard grabbing a clean plate. His white shirt rides up letting me have a glimpse at the dimples at the bottom of his spine.

I turn away, hiding my face before he could catch me staring at him. It's crazy how much I still fangirl over him after all this time. He hurt me, yes, but it doesn't make me stop loving him any less.

"Cutie, were you staring?" he questions, smirking at me.

My face immediately blushes over his voice. "What? No. Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I lie to him.

Tyler sets down my plate and his before rushing to the stairs. "Where are you going? Aren't you going to eat with me?" I try to call after him.

"Yeah, I just have to wash my hands first!" he yells back.

That's odd. Why didn't he use the bathroom down here?

Before I know it, he comes back down at the same pace he went up. "What was that for?" I ask him with a mouthful of eggs in my mouth.

He looks nervously at his fingers and plays with them. I furrow my eyebrows at him. What's going on? "What do you mean?"

Oh, so he's going to play the clueless card?

"Nevermind, so what are we doing today?" I say, changing the subject.

He just shrugs his shoulders. Okay, really? What the -

"Go get ready, I have a surprise," he demands, cutting me off from my train of thought. What made him change his mind?

My legs carry me to the room so I can get changed. A large white box is lying on the mattress with my name on yet another yellow sticky note.

I lift up the cover, revealing a pretty flowy white romper with lace covering all sides of it. "Do you like it?" Tyler's voice comes from behind me. I look at him and smile, then back at the romper.

He circled his arms around my waist, as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. "I love it, thank you."

"You can wear it soon, I have one more surprise." he informs me, his lips still pressed up against neck.

I shift my body around to look at him. "Another one?" He nods his head then reaches for something in his back pocket.

He lets go of me and holds up two pieces of paper. "We're going to Disneyland!" he exclaims.

"What?" I asked him in utter confusion.

"I know, this doesn't even come close to what I did to you," he starts. I shake my head at him. I've told him many times before that it doesn't matter anymore and that it's what matters now.

"But I wanted to take you because you didn't finish your trip last time... because of me."

"Tyler," I begin, to grab his attention. His eyes meet mine as I'm about to start my next sentence. "I would love to go with you."

He engulfs me with a big hug. "Start packing, we leave tomorrow morning," he drops the bomb on me.

"Tyler Black! What in the world?" I lightly push his chest away from me. How could he possibly think that I can pack everything in one night?

"Do my parents know?" I ask him urgently?

"Yes, Cutie," he laughs at my reaction.

"I love you so much do you know that?"

His eyes that once held so much darkness lightened up with those three simple words. "I love you so much more, baby girl."


"Tyler Black, if you don't get your butt out of bed, we're going to be late!"

"I'm coming! Patience is a virtue, child."

"Not when it comes to Disneyland it's not!" I shout back, almost bouncing off the walls.

I hear his footsteps running down the stairs, he's excited as I am. "Jeez, Cutie, how much coffee did you drink?" He asks, putting his hands on my shoulders to calm me down.

"Just two cups," I push his hands off of me before heading towards the door. "Let's go!" I whine.

He laughs and shakes his head at me. "How did you manage to afford all of this?" I asked once we got in the car.

"Just a little side money that's all."

"Really? You expect me to believe that?" I pondered. He thinks he can fool me, silly, silly, boy.

He sighed, knowing he wouldn't win the conversation. "I had a little bit of money before we started dating, so I decided that I would take you out for something nice one day, something you'd really like. Then when I met you, all you ever talked about was how much you loved Disney and everything just fell right into place. I picked up some shifts at my dad's shop and earned money in return. It's no big deal, really."

"It is a big deal and I'm beyond grateful for all of this. Especially, for you." 


A/N: Okay, so I've been thinking about it, and I wanted to ask you guys or receive some feedback. Since there are only two chapters left after this, would you guys want the book completed by the end of 2016? 

The only reason I am asking is because I really want to work on my new book The Pizza Girl's Endgame for the new year in 2017. What do you guys think? 

And thank you so much for 17k reads! <3 

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